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Posted a Comment: Mar 15th, 2012
"Go for 2700K ofcourse if its cheaper than 2600K :D Can you give me links, I'm sure there's something to why 2600K is cheaper."
Posted a Comment: Mar 15th, 2012
"How the hell can you have 2600K more expensive than 2700K? xD"
Posted a Comment: Mar 15th, 2012
"Like almost everybody in this thread said. If you want so spent like 20% more for like 1-5% improvement, go for it. But if you want to go for performance/price you should go with 2500K for games, streaming and such or 2600K for rendering and such options that gain from hyperthreading."
Posted a Comment: Mar 15th, 2012
"Well i7 2600K and i5 2500K were released at same time, Q1 2011, so I don't see how one could be better than other. 2700K was released not so long ago in Q4 2011, but as far as I know they all use same technology and coolers(if you buy box version)."
Posted a Comment: Mar 15th, 2012
"I think that hyperthreading helps about 5-10% faster rendering. There is almost no difference between 2600K and 2700K but there is slight difference between these 2 and 2500K since 2500K has no hyperthreading. And I don't think there is much difference in overcloking between these 3 processors."
Posted a Comment: Mar 13th, 2012
"There are alot other bruisers than can jungle or top lane. Gangplank, udyr, lee sin, olaf, riven, shen, shyvana, volibear and skarner. So you have many choices. If you want team utility you could pick gangplank for his ultimate over-map support or shen, le"
Posted a Comment: Mar 13th, 2012
"Malphite is pretty sweet. He can solo top and counter AD Offtanks since his damage stacks with armor, he can jungle decently or he can be played mid as AP carry."
Posted a Comment: Mar 9th, 2012
Massive debate about WW and how should we build him if you have time to read."
Posted a Comment: Mar 9th, 2012
AP TF so strong."