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Posted a Comment: Jan 4th, 2012
"Intel processors are better build, are more reliable and are faster + more L2 Cache. So It half my opinion and half fact. But they cost more, that is true.
And about games needing graphics more is wrong. It depends on the game. Not all games require graphics power more than processor. For exampl"
Posted a Comment: Jan 4th, 2012
Posted a Comment: Jan 4th, 2012
"Mid: Kassadin, Karthus
Bot AD: Graves, Vayne
Bot Supp: Soraka, Alistar
Top: Gangplank, Nasus, Olaf
Jungle: Gangplank, Warwick"
Posted a Comment: Jan 3rd, 2012
"That would be really hard to do, unless you have hours and hours of free time. In 99,9% of tries you would just miss by 0.1s or even less and that would decide the victorious team."
Posted a Comment: Jan 3rd, 2012
"Pushing lane to their tower 24/7. Dies few times, eventually loses lane. I only lost my lane because noob jungler never ganked. "
Posted a Comment: Jan 3rd, 2012
"He can get way way way better equipment for that money. And also never ever buy AMD processors. Intel is so much better than AMD."
Posted a Comment: Jan 3rd, 2012
"Ah its probably too hard for the universe to give me decent player on ranked. 4 loses on ranked because atleast 2 lanes fed. Yay, GG."
Posted a Comment: Jan 3rd, 2012
"It would be interesting if they would make boots that have active usage."