Okay, so I went on another unannounced vacation. Big whoop, not like I'm that popular. I'm surprised my skills haven't gone down the drain, I must have been out of action for like a month or something. So anyway, I'm here and with some new ideas on improving my game.

First, I feel like I should have done sooner: repair my client. Honestly, I didn't know league had such a function. My graphics have been screwy for a while, sometimes just not appearing or just showing up as a black square or something, so this is nice. My framerate suffers a bit less now too, so I suppose its a related plus.

Second, I've decided to try out music theory. The number one cause of bad games is attitude, no surprise. I don't usually listen to music for league but I'm thinking that should be changed. I'm not so experienced or intelligent that I'm immune to tryhard syndrome. 3 consecutive deaths early on and the less than supportive comments of my soloq team does cause me to make dumb decisions, especially while jungling. Hopefully the soothing sounds of the japanese koto will counteract that impulse.

Third, new distracting games. I'm a fan of action rpgs and I had seen league as something similar for a while now. Due to my limited funds, I've only recently been able to fill that action game void. I picked up the Devil May Cry and Kingdom Hearts HD collections so I can finally stop accidentally treating league like an action game and focus more on the positioning and team needs.