Patch talk time. Might as well throw my opinion out there into the sea of opinions.

Things I care most about about:

Sejuani's Soviet Bear skin
Now it just needs a special dialogue or passive with Volibear, then it'll be golden.

Things that I care about that you care about:

Jungle changes again. Seems like this is to counter counter jungling. I once got wasted by a shaco that invaded my jungle solo and ate everything on the red side. So I guess pushing back small camp times will give less incentive to stick around. Gotta play the changes myself to get a real feel for it.

R.I.P. Runic Bulwark. My Bruiser, Support, and Jungle builds will never be the same without you. I suppose having Aegis upgrade into Locket with the same aura is a step up. It will definitely be moved from my "In case of Karthus: Break Glass" list.

Banshee's and Spectre's Cowl. First impressions are bad. I don't see such a small amount of health over time useful to champs unless they can dart in and out of the battle effectively. Its definitely more of a general utility item now instead of the low elo mess it was before. I might have to try it on Riven sometime, but its future doesn't seem bright for builds that used it before.

All the MR boosts I'm okay with. Guardian Angel is looking more attractive now since they removed Bulwark. And really, that's all I got to comment on. There's some new champ or what have you. Some kinda marksman or something. Whatever, I'm sure he'll be fine. OP at first because nobody actually does homework then he'll get nerfed just as people learn what his power really is.