I got bored and decided I'd start up a sort of regular blog...thing...on my blog...updated whenever. Rage Tales: Looking back at rage and seeing if it was justified. I know I could just go to the qq thread, but it's not my rage that's going here nor am i raging about rage. Its just the memorable times when someone showered me with rage.

1st Tale: Why don't you have a support.

Years ago, I fought my way to lvl 30 by doing nothing but mastering Riven and all her abilities, builds, hell I even have her cooldowns memorized to the fraction of a second. That doesn't fly in the real world, obviously. I ended up playing a game with one of my dearest friends and I ended up as the support role. Thing is, the closest thing I had to a support at the time is Darius. Short version, we lost. Long version, we got destroyed.

I pick this story not because the rage is totally my fault and entirely justified but because my dear friend was doing his best not to end our friendship over a single bad game. So he asked in his calmest pissed voice, "why don't you have any supports?"

Thus begins my very successful line of adventures as the mute musician Sona. Easily my second best champion to date. She was my very next purchase after that game, followed shortly by her rune page.