First off, this isn't drug related. Every so often, someone feels like taking a break from the fight and their skills dwindle a little. Short breaks are fine, it gives time for skills to cement and for muscles, reflexes, nerves, eyes, and mind to rest and sharpen. But like with working out, if you stop for too long, atrophy sets in.

Obvious stuff, I know. I tend to call this "gettin' back in the groove" phase "rehab" or rehabilitation, since you might as well have been crippled for how rusty you've gotten (no offense to actual injuries, but they apply), especially if you intend to jump right back where you left off. For league, unless you have a backup account, this is mostly unavoidable.

I type all this more to send the message that it's okay to suck at first. You were a badass once, you'll be a badass again. Its not like you forgot how to play, so don't feel bad when you miss a skillshot or make a poor judgement after a long vacation. Its har. Someone will notice that wayward Ashe arrow and make a comment, most likely saying its the reason things went south. Be it true or not, focus more on recovering and improvingand less on defending and arguing. They will only distract you from important plays and arguing will just put you in a bad mood.

But above all, don't be afraid to get back in the game. You won't get better if you're worried you'll **** up.