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Poppy Build Guide by HIACliff

Poppy: A Scary Carry

Poppy: A Scary Carry

Updated on September 16, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HIACliff Build Guide By HIACliff 1489 139 5,401,479 Views 966 Comments
1489 139 5,401,479 Views 966 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HIACliff Poppy Build Guide By HIACliff Updated on September 16, 2012
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Drosselmeyer (2) | January 22, 2014 3:23pm
Good guide overall, can easily destroy less skilled players, so I guess it's a great guide overall, I mean, one would expect a high elo player having his won build that suits his own playing style.
My only changes to it overall are Ruined king instead of Black cleaver (I just love too much the benefits from life steal and it needs something in the case of a tanky foe) and late game selling boots for Zephyr (gives loads of AS, more ms than a second PD could give and gives tenacity, great item on poppy), I think it is pretty good on her.
BTW, do someone knows if it could be tweaked to work on Teemo and ad Leona? (after one plays supp to an Adc malzahar, one starts to think lots of new weird ideas... wonder if any of them could work)
Ermahgerdatron | October 11, 2013 11:26pm
I love this build, i got 19/6/6, which is the best compared to my usual games. :D
tehAsian (247) | August 27, 2013 11:40pm
Actually, I see where you're getting your crazy numbers from.

The TriForce proc doesn't crit and scales off base AD, meaning Poppy only gets about 230 bonus damage.

Take 400 AD, IE Crit, then add TRiForce proc and it only goes to about 1200, not 1700. Bonus damage bumps it to 1600-ish. With 300 AD it's only about 1200 damage.

A full AP build has (140 + 120 + 100 + 70 + 80)*1.25 = 650 AP, using Dcap DFG Zhonyas Void Lich Bane respectively.

Q does 135% of your AP, plus 150 from base amounts, plus 130 from AD, plus 375 from %-HP damage, multiplied by 120% from DFG. That amounts to over 1800 damage. Then Heroic Charge adds about another 1000 if you ram them into a wall. Lastly, you have magic pen from Boots and Void Staff, so your damage against even medium MR targets are significantly higher than wih an AD build.
Faeriedust (1) | August 27, 2013 10:55pm
tehAsian wrote:

You forgot DFG and your ult, which amplifies that multiplicatively to get like 2500 damage in a single Q, and you forgot that E scales off AP and also amplifies off DFG + Ult.

Ult is irrelevant because it scales damage regardless whether based of AD or AP. =P You get ~2500+ most likely on AD Poppy too.

And yeah dfg would help but still you're not getting much more than the ~1800 from AD poppy after you add boots to the build I just put for AP .-. even with dfg.. :X

And her e only gets 40% of AP.. The extra for smashing into wall is kinda irrelevant since they're dead either way if that happens.. xD
tehAsian (247) | August 27, 2013 10:47pm
You forgot DFG and your ult, which amplifies that multiplicatively to get like 2500 damage in a single Q, and you forgot that E scales off AP and also amplifies off DFG + Ult.
Faeriedust (1) | August 27, 2013 10:43pm
I guess if you went something like..

Zhonya's -- 120 AP
Nashor's tooth -- 60 AP
Deathfire Grasp -- 120 AP
Rabadon's Cap -- 120 AP
Seraph's embrace -- ~130 AP
Lich Bane -- 80 AP

TOTAL: ~800-850 AP my math is bleh atm..

Your q would then deal:
117 from AD
100 from Bonus
150-375 from Percent Health
.6*850 from scaling
.9*850 from nashor and lich bane..

Okay that's like.. 1642-1760.. I guess that's maybe a bit better than with AD, especially since you only crit 70%.. O: But still you gave up soooo much damage from normal attacks and speed for such a small boost. ;X Note I didn't even buy boots here.. xD You'd probably have to buy sorcerer boots and BAM raw damage dropped more.. xD
Faeriedust (1) | August 27, 2013 10:13pm

Hi guys i was just wondering, why ad poppy over ap? Wouldn't ap poppy's devastating blow be unstoppable? Thanks!

With his build (minus the black cleaver, cause I feel you should a defensive item).. your attack damage will be at level 18: ~287 (usually I get flat AD runes so a bit higher, but yeah)..

Okay so how much does devastating blow do?
287 + (287*2 from Trinity force) + (287*1.5 from critical hit, which has 70% chance) + 100 (bonus damage) + (18 from the 30 AP from Trinity force) + (150-375 from the 8% added damage)

TOTAL: 1559-1784 based on their health without ult and without w which would add another.. 135 damage.. xD

JUST TRY. getting even vaguely close to that much building AP. =P And then you can murder them with auto attacks and your speed is generally over 500 since you have w and ghost .-. Plus that attack speed ._.

What I don't get is why anyone would ever build AP on her. xD It scales so badly. ;u;
Faeriedust (1) | August 27, 2013 10:01pm
Personally, I take guardian angel instead of the black cleaver when I go rabid Poppy. Honestly, you're dealing plenty of damage without it.. It seems much better to make sure you stay alive at that point. xD
Navee | July 18, 2013 10:13pm
Yeah, I came back after a while just to see how much you have progressed. You have under 300 wins, and you were advocating knowing anything about this game? Yeah right. Get out of here wannabe, youre a baddy.

For one, your build is super weird. DOUBLE TRINITY FORCE? WTF? The passives don't stack and you are wasting your gold on this when there are better items. It's like seeing some noob buy two-three Rabadon's Deathcap, the passives don't stack so your just wasting extra gold. Also, you need some survivability on your champ or you won't be that good in fights. What's the point of buying straight damage if you will die too quick to even use that high damage.

1. You probably should have kept boots. If you got hard CC'ed while chasing with Paragon of Demacia and it runs out, or if you don't have Ghost up, you will never have enough movement speed to catch someone. You need that consistent movement speed that boots provide and the tenacity from Mercury's Treads are awesome.

2. Replace the second Trinity Force with Shurelya's Battlesong, Frozen Heart, or Mercury's Treads. Boots are basically required, your going to need them.

3. DUDE YOUR NOT EVEN LEVEL 30 YET!!!! According to "", your a level 14 who seems to play only Poppy. When versing low level opponents, no one knows what they are doing. You can go up against super newbies who never played this type of game before, or you can go up against really good players (smurfs, players who use and level up a second account to crush newbies). The amount of kills you got is highly unrealistic in a normal competitive match once you hit level 30. In fact, just because this works at low elo/non-level 30 games doesn't mean it is good, cause you can basically use any ****py build at low elo and wreck faces.

4. Heal + Ghost are ok i guess...But Ignite is better on Poppy because it scales off of her ultimate (does 40% more true damage).

5. So, in conclusion, your not level 30 and you are playing against bads. That amount of kills in a game is unrealistic unless you are at super low level/elo or you are playing against bots. So, I will definitely NOT read it and weep.

Your build is bad, this guide's build is bad + outdated, and you should feel bad. =)

~Rant Over~

Soranax (1) | July 13, 2013 3:14pm
I can't stop thinking about a Jarvan IV ult with poppy inside it.... how devastating that would be...
Kaggboer2012 (19) | June 24, 2013 12:23pm

Hi guys i was just wondering, why ad poppy over ap? Wouldn't ap poppy's devastating blow be unstoppable? Thanks!

ad poppy is hard to counter with items, auto-attacks deal physical damage, q deals magic and % damage.

like your item build but thee real guide doesnt look that good. definitely not a 91% worthy guide imo. no vote from me
Qwertycrackers | June 24, 2013 12:02pm
I have never played Poppy, but this looks like a build of 6 offensive items. Is her passive and W really enough to protect her without those?
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Poppy: A Scary Carry

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