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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Mercury's Treads

Mercury's Treads
Total Price: 1300 | Recipe Price: 600 | Sell Price: 910

LoL Item: Mercury's Treads
  • 20 Magic Resistance
  • 45 Movement Speed
  • 30 Tenacity
  • 20 Magic Resistance
  • 45 Movement Speed
  • 30 Tenacity

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davidf96 | December 16, 2013 1:03pm
ValentinoT wrote:

One of the few items that works on EVERY champion.

Other items that work on EVERY champion are Guardian Angel and Warmog's Armor
Realise that those three items give survivability
ValentinoT (1) | February 28, 2013 6:08am
One of the few items that works on EVERY champion.
thefellowes | January 14, 2013 11:37am
And how about merc threads for gangplank? i mean he has his fruit as a pretty good anti stun etc protection.
Sam_Quinee (2) | May 30, 2012 1:20pm
Ludrin wrote:

Who is mercury?
Ludrin | May 11, 2012 12:41pm
Who is mercury?
Purplemayo | February 5, 2012 2:09am
Merc treads 100% on teemo.

Best boots in the game imo ... boot tier list:

Tier1 - Merc treads/Sorc shoes
Tier2 - Ionian/tabi
Tier3 - Swiftness/Zerkers/mobility
heretician | November 10, 2011 3:38pm

I grab these 90% of matches unless I'm a Mage

Same here, just came back from a 7 month-ish hiatus from LoL and i've been playing just about 100% Teemo although I'm still concerned about these boots over Sorcerer's Shoes

Any thoughts?
Angeu Grimnir (1) | November 6, 2011 11:02pm
I grab these 90% of matches unless I'm a Mage
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