Seasons pass by quickly huh. Anyway you can consider this a part 2 of the previous blog \o/

Table of Contents
1. Mobafire Romance
2. Internships and graduations
3. Oh who are we kidding, you came for the first topic!

1. Mobaferian Romance
So yeah if you read the previous blog you know that Xeres and me are a thing <3. Only thing that was holding us apart was the distance, him being in Macedonia and me in the Netherlands and all. However, the 13th until the 20th of Januari, I was lucky enough to be able to visit him overthere \o/

Him and me

So yeah, I went there, we were together in a hotel, being able to do our own thing. Was a good warm and roomy hotel wíth good WIFI aaaanndddd had a wonderful boyfriend to put my arms around <3

It had its challenges, since Macedonia isn't known for being ******friendly. So we had to do our best to hide it. Other than that, we had so much fun together that... saying goodbye for a few months was the worst. I still feel so hurt about going back to the LDR situation until my internship starts again. UGH.

We will get through it though. I know we will. I #beeleaf <3

2. Internships and graduations
On the 30th of April I leave for Macedonia once more, but this time for 6 months. I will do my best to find a place and then with a bit of luck I will be able to succesfully make the Macedonian education more sustainable. This obviously has a lot of challenges, since first of all the GoGreen company where I will work is nongovernmental and second of all there are a lot of cultural differences.

Macedonians are very hospital and welcoming, inviting people to their place that they just got to know. Keeping to put things on your plate when you visit them like you haven't eaten in months. Continuously offer help with everything. They even offer help when they actually want you to say no, which is all something to get really used to.

I had some contact with GoGreen during my stay in the Macedonian capital of Skopje. There the guy in charge already gave me a tour through the city, invited me to go live in his brother's appartment and invited me to visit his parents house. That would NEVER have happened would I have an internship in the Netherlands, so my mind is all mixed up.

I am sure I will experience and learn a lot in Macedonia. Both with the internship, as well with le relationship <3

3. Thank you for reading!
So I know that I don't talk much on MOBAFire anymore, let alone about the relationship that's happening. Partially because I don't find much topics anymore that I can contribute to, partially because Xeres and I don't want us to be a "Mobaferian couple" and keep the relationship as our own thing.

However, that doesn't mean I love you guys any less. You guys helped me grow in life by allowing me to spurt out all my nonsense and giving insight on plentiful topics. So yeah, I say this every blog so it might get old, but thanks guys. You guys are great <3