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Question: When to follow team

Creator: Ixtellor February 29, 2016 10:24am
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 29, 2016 10:24am | Report
Had a massive throw yesterday. Once again I don't have the answer to two important scenarios, so please help/advise.

1. Your team comp is far worse than enemy team comp for Team fighting. But your team insists on team fighting anyway.
Do you leave and do something else (farm/push lanes/take an objective) or do you join in the 10/90 team fight (10% chance of victory).

2. Your team makes a horrific baron call --- its clearly an extremely dangerous call and you know the enemy can see it happening. Do you join in anyway or just watch your team get murdered.

FYI I play Udyr/Volibear/1/2 tank Pantheon/Ziggs most games. (so solo taking objectives can prove more difficult (not on udyr but he is 90% ban in my games) hence its not like I can just go snipe an inhib (not enough damage).

Thanks in advance.
I used to care about KDA, now I care about CS and Objectives.
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 29, 2016 12:29pm | Report
1. First of all, try to convince your team that you shouldn't do teamfights and focus on picks, poke or splitpushing. Splitpushing is really hard to pull off in lower elos (lots of stuff to take in account), yet most people still think it's the only alternative to teamfighting. It's definetly not. By saying "wait for picks" or "poke them down" you're giving much easier to follow instructions that they may follow if they agree that the teamfights can't be won.

Check if your team has single target CC ( Dark Binding, Charm, etc) and stay back until you pick someone important. If your team lacks hard CC but has lots of ranged abilities try to disengage until their health is low (or someone on their team backs away) then take objectives or force a 4v5 teamfight. If your team is getting engaged by a superior teamfighting comp make sure to pay attention to disengage (buy Randuin's Omen in Volibear/ Udyr, save your Satchel Charge in Ziggs for when you're getting engaged, win with Pantheon before late game :P).

Sometimes your team could actually win the teamfights if they happen alright, but you're needing initiation (happens a lot with Volibear and Udyr in teams with high damage and little CC). In that case you should buy a Turbo Chemtank. Or maybe you're needing peel for the carries. In that case you can buy whatever could help them survive, and focusing whoever goes in to assassinate them.

Other games you got to late game and their team's Kog'Maw is just starting to outscale everyone. It happens and it's partly your fault for letting the game drag on for so long.

2. If you're jungle and you don't go, then it's pretty easy to convince them that they won't be able to take it. Otherwise try to ward the enemy jungle as deeply as possible and ping as soon as the enemy appears, either for a retreat or for an engage (you'll have to make this call by yourself). You could also try to rush the baron if the call wasn't that bad and the enemy took too long to appear. Anyways, it's almost always better to make a bad call as a full team than dispersing all over the map making bad calls by yourselves.

Oh, you could also try to splitpush while they take baron (mostly as Pantheon). You could appear with Teleport or Grand Skyfall if the enemy goes to contest baron or just give the baron for free if their team comes to look for you. Doing this with Udyr is also possible, but way more risky since you HAVE to be able to take an inhib if the enemy goes to contest baron.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 29, 2016 5:32pm | Report
1. Your team comp is far worse than enemy team comp for Team fighting. But your team insists on team fighting anyway.

Queue dodge. Seriously, If you look at your team in champion select and your team comp is totally countered by your opponents, then just hedge your bets, take the 3 LP loss, and pick a battle you're more inclined to win.

If queue dodging isn't an option - which should seldom happen, look to fight your opponents when it's very advantageous to you. If you have AoE, fight in a narrow space like the jungle, or near an inhibitor turret.
If you have an assassin, fight where there's ample opportunities for your assassin to flank your opponent.
If you have good catch potential, try to create pressure on as many lanes as possible, and then catch your opponents as they handle minion waves in side lanes.

2. Your team makes a horrific baron call --- its clearly an extremely dangerous call and you know the enemy can see it happening. Do you join in anyway or just watch your team get murdered.

I answered this a couple months ago when you asked a question similar to this. As long as your team has a plan in mind, you should be okay. Communicate that plan with your team (if they come and baron's at 3k, finish baron otherwise peel off it and fight e.g.)

Not everyone is going to listen to you, and you'll just have to accept that sometimes you'll lose because of the arrogance of your teammates. Just try to learn how to be as convincing as possible
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

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Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 29, 2016 7:19pm | Report
In solo queue, you want to put yourself in a position where you are significantly contributing in a fight but also in a position where you will guarantee that you won't lose advantages (kills, summoner spells, positioning, etc). These "advantages" that you choose to give up are relative to your team, and at your level I'd advise you to play as selfish as you can, meaning that you should aim to maximize the amount of damage you soak and contribute in a fight without dying.

The game isn't black and white when it comes to fights as fights will be extremely messy in any elo of the game, and to maximize your own control over the game you need to play to your own advantages. Although you will need to spend extra effort to learn about how to maximize your own effectiveness in a team setting after learning how to play fights in solo queue this is the best way to improve at other aspects of the game.

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