I originally posted this in the QQ forum, but I had a few additional thoughts about the mastery system that I wanted to explore a little more in-depth.

VexRoth wrote:

Urgh. Two S- in a row. Just need one more S or S+ to get my third level 7 token.

Things I've learned in the process. Love the buffed Ghost but make sure to bring Flash if you are against Taliyah to get through her ult and she is kind of a pain in the arse to deal with for champions that just have to run at her to get her. Nocturne is probably a better bet for dealing with her.

Jhin is also not fun to deal with as Olaf since he can still gets crits on you and can just run away and your CC immunity does nothing to prevent it. I am not exactly sure why Riot though it was a good idea to give champions both slows and speed boosts in their kit - Ekko, Jhin, and Gangplank come to mind. Yeah they are set up to be conditional in either case but it makes them much more slippery and frustrating to deal with if you don't have the same baked into your kit.

Toss axes at champions as they are mid AA animation, especially people like Lucian who have dashes.

Even with a lot of CDR your axe still has a decent cool down if you can't go and pick it up, so sometimes it is just better to hold it rather than use it from max range.

Kindred's damage is absurd even early game. Just run the other way if you run into them. Ult if you need to cleanse their slow or use Ghost if you think you need to and you don't have your ult yet.

If you don't have your ult then think twice about going in on an engage if it is remotely sketch. The difference between being able to dump any CC + be immune to CC for a while is huge.

If you are dueling someone wait until either you are going to die without the extra AD or they try and run away to use Ragnarok.

Sometimes you should hold of on using Reckless Swing because of the health cost. Last hitting a champion with it is ideal. Use it too soon and it may cost you the fight.

Olaf gets super low in health on his first buff. If you have burst damage invading him can work in your favor. However, one kill is often enough to accelerate him to super annoying, and he is a pretty darn good duelist at low health, so choose wisely.

A while back I spammed a ton of Olaf and I don't even recall why. He wasn't in the greatest spot at the time whether coming out of the jungle or Top lane. Sure he had some match-ups his kit allowed him to crush, but a lot of his match-ups were just rough. Anyway, I picked up Rank 5 Mastery on him and then put him aside for some higher win rate/higher impact champions and whimsy which lead me to playing a mix of jungle and ADC.

In the process of getting the rank 5 champion mastery on him I learned quite a bit about the champion.

His big weaknesses are susceptibility to burst and lack of a gap closer. He gets stronger the lower in health he gets, but that leaves him susceptible to be burst. He is mainly a brawler assassin which is kind of a weird combination. Sometimes though you find yourself in a spot where you aren't strong enough or the enemies team comp prevents you from doing that so then you need to rein yourself in to keep yourself alive to dish out as much sustained damage as possible and peel for the stronger members of your team.

Enter the updated champion mastery system that offers a 6 and 7 tier of mastery. Except this time you need to get specific scores on a champion in more than one game in order to unlock them + acquire a certain amount of essence through the Hextech crafting system.

Levels 1-5 of the mastery system simply require you to acquire points on a champion by playing, whether you win or lose. However, you gain a lot more points by winning, which I find a little frustrating because I've had plenty of games where I'm crushing my lane or handing kills left and right to my laners out of the jungle and we still end up losing the game. In my opinion the amount of points you get should be based on your personal score on the champion you are playing + perhaps a small bonus for winning the game as being good on a champion and being able to contribute meaningfully to picking up a win do not always go hand in hand.

This is what Riot has to say about Champion Mastery:

Champion Mastery

More specifically here is what they say about the score you earn.

"It’s based on the champion and role that you just played in a game. So, for example, we look at Annie mid differently to Annie support. We take a series of performance metrics and compare how you do to all other players in your region in your champion / position combination. It is percentile driven - so earning a high score means you performed in the top x% of players on that champ in that position. The grade itself governs the point gains."

One of my beefs with the system is that the metrics they use to calculate your score are opaque beyond this vague description.

Don't get me wrong, I think you can learn a lot of about champion by putting time into them, especially if you supplement your play with reading guides, digging into reddit posts on your champion of choice, and watching higher level players play the champion (if you can find one that mains the champion and will talk about why they are doing what they are doing...good luck with that if your champion is out of favor at the moment).

Thinking it over I'd like to see a little graph or table that showed your where you placed relative to other players somewhere in the client. E.g. here is the population distribution and here is where you fell on that graph for this game, as by itself a letter grade provides only minimal context.


for KDA you were in the top quintile
for kill participation your were here
for warding you were here

etc.,. so you could see what you need to focus on.

On some level the necessity of getting a particular score in a game to get champion mastery levels 6 & 7 is a step in that direction. But it still leaves a lot to be desired.

E.g. our "esteemed" Vapora Dark can't seem to get ultra high Mastery scores on Hecarim despite have damn good KDA ratios in the majority of his games. Which bids the question of what do I need to do to get an S-, S, or S+ grade if I am already doing this well?

Which segways into an interesting issue that if your champion is currently strong it is actually harder to get top tier mastery scores because everyone is putting up good numbers with those champions.


Rito needs to add some clarity to the mastery system in the form of what targets you need to hit in order to get better mastery scores.

This would make the system of I need to get X amount of Y grade or higher in order to further my champion mastery make more sense.

If they could somehow personalize it that would be even be more awesome.

E.g. you are good with Rengar but you die too frequently...figure out how to get in AND out so you aren't only trading 1 for 1.

or you are only hitting 45% of your bolas. Bump that up to 55% and you'll see an uptic in your champion mastery rating.


Anyway that is my nickel on the topic. Anyone else have some thoughts or comments on the Champion Mastery system?