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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Which junglers should i play (Beginner jg)

Posted in Champions 4,615

  • JennyIsSoKawaii

    Which junglers should i play (Beginner jg)

    Hi I started league few month ago and I'd like to know what are the easy jungles to start :)
    I don't mind spending rp
  • Answers (3)

    BlueMoon01 (12) | June 8, 2016 4:32am
    • Master Yi is quite easy because right click to win except you hav to time Alpha Strike; but thats for even more advanced
    • Amumu is strong in teamfight and have high damage output especially against tankers, he does suffers from getting punished from counterjungle but if you're a beginner; no one's will be doing that
    • Volibear is strong as heck and gets more damage as long you build tankier. Its also special that he can single-handedly solo carry the game if he's fed enough

      These are just my suggestion and Im pretty sure someone else can elaborate my points better but heres also some fun + not too hard to learn junglers :
    • Gragas
    • Rammus

    Oh wait I forgot Xin Zhao too, hes same as Master Yi
    JennyIsSoKawaii | June 8, 2016 5:18am
    Thank's you a lot
    flareblast17999 | June 17, 2016 5:16pm
    i personnally am a xin zhao main but other easy junglers are
    master yi
    Patrick Mcglory (1) | June 10, 2016 5:04pm
    Hey. So if you're new to the jungle, you really want a simple champ you can play and not have to worry to much about mechanics or being the main initiate for team fights. Master Yi is good as Bluemoon says as he just runs around the jng speed clearing.

    The champ I'd -Always- recommend for new junglers is Warwick. He's super easy, can focus on farming and be a late game monster, his ultimate is the easiest skill in the game and locks a player down for 2.5 (I think) seconds, perfect for ganks as it's a point and click and he flashes to target. With his ultimate being his only CC you pretty much just gank when it's up (Not always but you get the idea) This helps a lot in planning your jungle routes and being able to use this CD as a guide of sorts on what you should be doing.

    Also he has crazy good life steal with his Q and his standard item build; as a result he can solo kill drag very early and even baron with a full build and do so very healthily so you aren't prone to being killed easy when jumped on by the other jng.

    He's also just 450 IP so even if you don't like him nothing lost.

    this is the guide I used on WW when getting into him and it gives you everything you'd ever need about the champ.

    Vi is also a strong choice and a lot of fun, though she lacks the life steal her ganks are great and she has a really good clear.

    Voli like Blue' again said is really strong. I like Vi better, but Voli is the stronger champ. Vi is way stronger early game for ganks and duels so she's better for snowballing early, while voli just scales great and only gets stronger, while Vi falls off later on quite hard.

    Finally I'd recommend Udyr. He has fallen from the OP heights he used to reside, but he's still a very good champ. He's got decent objective clearing, can build AP or AD, is very speedy late game and has an on demand no CD stun (Though can't be applied to same target multiple times) Just beware of comps that have loads of poke as it's not much fun if you can't reach them!

    Hope this helps!
    BlueMoon01 (12) | June 11, 2016 12:19pm
    Ww is gonna get reworked soon so lets not get too used with his playstyle till he's reworked xD
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