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Lissandra Build Guide by Emi

AP Carry -Eternal Winter-

AP Carry -Eternal Winter-

Updated on September 2, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Emi Build Guide By Emi 19 0 494,488 Views 62 Comments
19 0 494,488 Views 62 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Emi Lissandra Build Guide By Emi Updated on September 2, 2016
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Seth346 (38) | September 27, 2017 2:51am
I didn't have time to nitpick through the text. Everything looks good as well as being extremely informative. My final score is 9/10 Which means I'll Upvote and rep

As for my tips

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Seth346 (38) | September 27, 2017 2:52am
I'll TRY to upvote an archived post, oops
paul2752 (1) | November 23, 2016 5:56pm
Could you explain to me how scaing AP that only gives 9AP at level 18 can help?
Cassanova28 | October 25, 2016 7:39am
Voted +1
very detailed and helpful, thank you :)
UserMurph | September 26, 2016 1:47pm
Voted +1
Extremely nice guide. Hope you don't mind I am stealing a few ideas for my Kha'Zix guide!
OwenTheAwesomer (84) | September 24, 2016 8:20pm
Voted +1
So pretty ^.^
ArkalyteZ | September 11, 2016 10:55am
Voted +1
Samuraix09 | August 11, 2016 5:26am
By far the best guide i saw in a long while..

Nice one !
Maintained (201) | July 11, 2016 9:14pm
Voted +1
Your guides are always up-vote worthy! ^_^

The question is though, why didn't I up-vote sooner? o_O
PoiZoneMD | July 2, 2016 4:06am
Voted +1
What an awesome and in depth guide!
Well done!
Emi (218) | July 2, 2016 10:42am
Thank you! :)
dragonoliu | June 26, 2016 10:29am
Voted +1
Scrub :P jk, good job Emi
Emi (218) | July 3, 2016 5:41pm
thank youu~ <3
jamespongebob (52) | June 19, 2016 3:36am
Voted +1
beautiful as always!
Emi (218) | June 20, 2016 6:21pm
Woah, hi there! Haven't seen you in a while <3

Thank youu~ <3
PyroMissile | June 17, 2016 7:40pm
Voted +1
Hey great guide. It was very thorough and helpful as I am fairly new to Lissandra. Out of curiosity, have you had any luck playing Lissandra in the jungle or support positions?
Emi (218) | June 17, 2016 8:41pm
Jungle? Nope, haven't tried.

Support? Uh... I tried, yes.

If you're asking about the viability of each, I'd have to say no to both. I can't say anything personally for jungle, but Liss support is pretty weak. Her Q isn't a great poke tool since the range is super short without the shatter, and it's hard to shatter the shard without messing up your ADC's farm by taking a bunch of them. You can't spam Q because of the high mana cost, and her only CC pre-6 is her (also) short-ranged W. You can use your E to get in range, but outside of that she has no mobility so it's dangerous to all-in, especially since she's super squishy compared to other all-in supports like Thresh or Leona.

Who knows, this might just be because I didn't know how to properly pull her off as a support and my friends and I were trolling that game, but that's just my 2 cents on it xD But thank you, and I'm glad my guide was helpful! <3
Embracing (353) | June 14, 2016 12:30am
The formatting looks very aesthetically pleasing with the blue icy theme, but you should probably fix up some of the information you have regarding the cheatsheet.

The main difference between the two are honestly just choosing to go deathcap second or not, and you can fully address that in one build.

Build 1:

- If you're planning to run Morello (20% cdr), 3 flat MR blues are fine vs hard laners, scaling mr is fine vs scary scalers, but you should probably add in 3 ap/lvl blues as an option as well when you dont need the mr. When you go RoA you don't cap out on CDR with 10% from runes, 10% from boots, and 10% from zhonya's, which is 30% in total, so running full scaling cdr is perfectly fine. Ofc you'll want to see how the game is progressing to see what item you want first Morello / RoA which you can't know until you're in game at times, so I'd default 9x scaling cdr glyphs since you'll go RoA most of the time anyways with how the meta is being played now.


- Vampirism > Natural Talent , Precision > Intelligence . Vamp simply has more value than Nat Tal and Lissandra doesn't benefit from extra CDR as much as the extra damage.


- You can buy a Blasting Wand if you have like 900 gold instead of the components of RoA because it's simply more combat effective.

- Abyssal Mask doesn't replace Rod of Ages. You typically work towards components of Abyssal Mask if you're against a heavy ap threat ( null magic mantle, Negatron Cloak) depending on how much you need it to survive laning phase. Only if you're really pinned down you get the Abyssal Mask, but even so you should be working towards Rod of Ages afterwards because it won't be that delayed. Only in cases where the game is accelerating at a super fast pace you can skip RoA and go straight into Aby Zhonya.

- Ludens, Banshee, and GA are no goes. No situation where you'll need Ludens b/c if you're ahead you'll want zhonya / dcap over ludens. Banshee and GA delay your core items and getting damage / zhonya is much more important than caring about not dying since you have such a good initiate and hard cc.

- Liandry's is like.... really really situational only when you need an instant power spike later in the game from haunting guise when you base with 1500 gold

- Prolly should put void before dcap in sample build. third ~ fourth buy voids are the norm b/c of enemy aegis and extra mr items around that time. You also don't really buy abyssal later in the game in most cases when you're ahead. only when the enemy team has a really scary ap threat that you didn't have to deal with in lane should you buy abyssal after.

Build 2:


- dont default ignite D:


- Don't run Flat AP glyphs. Even laners who want to dominate lane completely don't run AP glyphs because they're simply effective in way too less scenarios.


- Don't run Double Edged Sword . It's only for junglers and certain melee tops. Laners always go Feast


- Chapter > Codex in priorities

- dcap second is only when ur really really really far ahead and have a lot of gold upon backing because even when you're slightly ahead or moderately ahead an early zhonya / aby allow you to make more aggressive plays.

Other stuff same as build 1

So yea in the end when you fix some stuff your build 1 and 2 are honestly basically the same, the only difference being a second item dcap purchase, which is why i think u should just combine them and explain it in cheatsheet.



- "as a utility mage, a burst champion, or CDR/DPS ability spammer." Liss doesn't 'split off' into different roles. She's a utility mage with a lot of hard cc and initiate. She has a lot of burst when ahead but her main focus is on what i just mentioned. dunno what a cdr / dps ability spammer is tbh

- Liss doesn't have poke or mobility. "poke" is only in lane and mobility is only in that one gapclose. aside from her e she's extremely immobile.

- All champs are item dependent. It's not a result from any of her qualities.

- She's one of the easier mid laners to learn out there as well.


- Don't run Hpen marks, flat health seals, or MS quints because they simply aren't good on her because their counterparts are simply much more effective.


- Expose Weakness is simply inferior to the sustain you get from Feast . 0 situations in which it is better.

- Other stuff explained above


- TP is not only much more beginner friendly because you can tp back into lane in rough situations but is also the best summoner spell on her. Ignite is hardly ever taken (probably 5% of the time) because ignite simply doesn't do much aside from extra damage to secure a kill, whereas TP allows for extremely great tp ganks combined with your E and hard cc and also gives u lane pressure as well. Exhaust almost isn't considered either since your cc really ****s all the AD laners already. Liss really punishes ad laners and has her ultimate as a last resot against burst so there's no reason to take exhaust.

Skill order:

- W max second is better when ahead and actively trying to snowball since you get more damage after you initiate. it's better in most cases since you aren't planning to fight with more than one e. you typically engage a fight and expect immediate results with your hard cc and damage..


- early boots are honestly really useless. They're only decent vs certain skillshots that you can dodge with boots, but otherwise they're just a cash dump after you buy priority items.

- blasting wand is a great purchase if you cant finish a cata instantly because most likely you'll be able to farm up to a catalyst next back and it gives you better combat stats compared to a mana / health crystal.

- Abyssal isn't necessary. You only get it when you need it.

- Ludens bveil and GA are useless as explained before


- Overall there's not a lot of champion-specific information. As a reader I want to know how Lissandra's early laning phase and teamfight role compare to other counterparts. What is my approach to laning? What are my goals in lane? What should I expect coming into lane in most cases? beginner friendly info is nice but you should probably elaborate more.

- "One such example is when you're dominating your lane to the point where you can consistently kills when you all-in your lane opponent. Since both item builds emphasize mid and late game scaling, sometimes it's better to stay in lane to snowball yourself instead of roaming and risking your lane opponent catching back up because they had gotten free farm without you to pressure." this is actually incorrect. you want to be pressuring other lanes to have maximum control over the game. if you mess up somehow when trying to help side lanes that doesn't mean the decision itself was wrong, that's just on execution. typically you'll want to control mid minions after you get ahead so you can roam and get significant advantages while your enemy laner only scavenges some cs. the only case where you'll want to sit in lane is if your team is winning everywhere else.


Should probably mention how to identify situations where you should use certain combos. Also there's a distinct lack of self ultimate usage explaining.

- Honestly EQW is generally better since your w cancels a slight bit of ur q animation allowing damage to come out instantly. EWQ is only good if you want to make sure the enemy cannot escape instantly after u go in.

nice guide overall.

formatting and beginner information portions are really solid but you should probably work on fixing accuracy and focus on elaborating more on how lissandra fits in a game of league of legends compared to other picks.
Vynertje (386) | June 14, 2016 2:25pm
Agreed with most of the comments, but for a burst mage like Lissandra and after the 6.12 patch double edged sword actually is good.
Emi (218) | June 14, 2016 2:17pm
Guess my guide wasn't quite as accurate as I'd originally thought xD

Before I made some changes from Vyn's and Psi's comments, the two builds were pretty separate since the first one didn't even mention Morello and Sorc Shoes and the second one didn't have Abyssal or Rod at all, but I ended up moving a lot of things around for visibility/clarity. That ended up creating a bunch of overlaps, so I'll just go back and mess around with things until they're all fully combined on a single page xD

Build 1: When I go RoA I usually get Abyssal 3rd just for the mid game MR reduction + CDR and that caps out the last 10%, and if that isn't an option I like to ask my jungler for blue buff. I do see your point though and I'll adjust the cheat sheet to 9x scaling CDR and just add the options in the actual guide itself.

Is Vampirism really that strong? :o I'll be honest I never tried it because the spell vamp never seemed all that useful on Liss because all of her skills are AoE, thus the spell vamp is literally only a fraction of a percent of healing. And I've always run Intelligence over Precision because the 5% CDR reduces both W and E cooldowns by at least a second.


Whoops forgot about Blasting :D I knew there was something I was forgetting...

Will adjust, tyvm <3

Okay, since both you and Psi said no on the defensive items :[ If I get more questions about it though, I know who to blame~ ;)

I like picking up Liandry's when the enemy's super tanky since the MPen and percent health burn is pretty nice (especially since Liss has a lot of CC for the bonus burn) but I'll def add your note in there as well.

If I don't get Abyssal late game, then I only have 5 items (boots, RoA, Zhonya's, Dcap, and Void) :o What item would I replace it with since it's already a no on both defensive and Luden's?

Build 2: No ignite at all? D:

So no AP glyphs at all...? o_O Would I always run scaling CDR except this time with scaling AP for the more bursty build?

I started this guide a while back, so I didn't even remember when I recommended going for Double Edged Sword and I just realized I never changed it in my actual guide (I'd swapped it over in my cheat sheet). Whoops.

Everything else: Will adjust wording/change.


I was trying to highlight how Liss has a lot of different ways to use her abilities, whether it be to CC people, single-target burst the ADC, or stay in the back and continuously throw out Q's in teamfights to do a lot of damage over time. I'll adjust the wording to make that more clear.

I'll add the words "in lane", but I do disagree a little with her mobility part. In comparison to other mages like Lux or Ori, her E gives her a pretty good tool to reposition herself, especially once she gets max CDR and max rank E, it's on a 6.5~ second cooldown and can be used 1-2 times in a single fight if it drags out long enough.

I thought Liss was hard to learn ;_______; Maybe that's just my bias then...

Same goes with TP, I'd always found it harder to use than Ignite since all you have to do with Ignite is tack it on at the end of a fight. As for Exhaust, rip Psi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'll definitely include the actively snowballing reasoning in the "Why Max W First" part.

Now that I'm reading back over my gameplay section with your advice in mind, I can see what you're talking about. I'll definitely go back and add a lot more Lissandra specific details, probably creating another few sections to walk the reader through the actual minutes/phases of the game itself for more detailed explanations of what to do.

I was remember reading a while back from another guide on here (I believe it was Ferret's Ahri guide when it first came out) that staying to get kills and snowballing off of that was one of the main deterrents to not roam :o But I'll take your word for it since I do understand your reasoning, but I'm definitely still going to keep mentions of staying in lane to keep picking up kills if you can guarantee it.

I'm literally re-reading my combo's section and there's an entire section missing there from before from when I discuss how to pace your invulnerability/stasis so you deal damage in between. It must have not saved properly or something, because the paragraph from Combo #6 is literally less than half of what it used to be... rip. Although I definitely will go back and talk about when to use what combo more.

Overall, thank you so much for the (mini? eh prob not) review! It's gonna take me a while to reformat/edit everything I just typed above, but I'll hopefully get it down before anyone else drops by to critique so I don't have to repeat myself. ty friendd <3
Embracing (353) | June 14, 2016 3:09pm
yea i hope i helped!

i didnt really spend any time sugarcoating / double checking the messages so hope you dont feel bad if any of the comments sound aggressive

good luck with changes it looks really solid so far
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