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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Negatron Cloak

Negatron Cloak
Total Price: 850 | Recipe Price: 450 | Sell Price: 595

LoL Item: Negatron Cloak
  • 45 Magic Resistance
  • 45 Magic Resistance

Negatron Cloak builds into these items:

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TwitcherBrain (37) | April 7, 2012 8:44am
Anti-Leblanc Item. Can upgraded into few items:
Banshee's Veil/Odyn's Veil (Nice item for Ryze and other champs, if enemy team has mages and AP disablers)
Abyssal Scepter (Give debuff aura to enemies, AP and Magic Resist, very nice if in all teams many mages)
Force of Nature (Give big magic resist, HP regen, useful for Tanks, if enemy team has many mages)
Quicksilver Sash (Anti-Disabler item)
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