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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Force of Nature

Force of Nature
Total Price: 2800 | Recipe Price: 700 | Sell Price: 1960

LoL Item: Force of Nature
  • 400 Health
  • 55 Magic Resistance
  • 5% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Taking magic damage from enemy champions grants a stack of Steadfast (up to a maximum of 8) for 7 seconds. Enemy immobilizing effects grant an additional 2 stacks. One spell can add a new stack of Steadfast every 1 second.

UNIQUE Passive: While at 8 stacks of Steadfast, gain 70 magic resist and 10% increased movement speed.
  • 400 Health
  • 55 Magic Resistance
  • 5% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Taking magic damage from enemy champions grants a stack of Steadfast (up to a maximum of 8) for 7 seconds. Enemy immobilizing effects grant an additional 2 stacks. One spell can add a new stack of Steadfast every 1 second.

UNIQUE Passive: While at 8 stacks of Steadfast, gain 70 magic resist and 10% increased movement speed.

Force of Nature builds into these items:

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Coragem Pura | November 30, 2020 3:19pm
Welcome back old friend!
t0mpwnz (1) | May 13, 2013 6:02am

Once they removed this, there is basically no more GOOD mr items. What's the best one? spirit vidage? lame. this was basically a love hate relationship.

Agreed, I always buy Runic Bulwark just for the MR now.
DR34MK1LL3R (16) | April 9, 2013 8:25pm
Once they removed this, there is basically no more GOOD mr items. What's the best one? spirit vidage? lame. this was basically a love hate relationship.
Bustigo | March 17, 2013 4:47am
I want this item back
0TheLion0 | January 18, 2013 1:05am

we should remove this item as it's no longer in the game.

Indeed but which item is gonna replace this one or be as good as FN was?
Dr. Weird | January 13, 2013 5:21pm
This is the most beautiful item no longer in the game.
Bearded Titan (1) | January 5, 2013 12:38am
Of all of the changes in season 3, the removal of FoN has angered me the most (even if it was necessary)
Apohermion (2) | January 3, 2013 7:34pm
You shall be missed, FoN.

Agreed with tehRehn, though. It was easy to counter mages early by getting this item.
tehRehn (2) | January 2, 2013 11:34pm
suddenly flamed

Honestly I think this needed to be removed, you could buy FoN and Warmogs and instantly be classified as a tank. Now it's a bit more challenging to manage your MR.
DemonSovereign (13) | December 24, 2012 1:06am

we should remove this item as it's no longer in the game.

Well several other items from S1 that are no longer available were never removed. This just needs a "No longer available" description somewhere.

Anyways... the new Warmog's Armor will not be able to fill this hole in my heart</3
I miss you FoN! :c
Zonacain (1) | December 16, 2012 10:01pm
I'll miss you dearly on Mundo and Singed.
CurrentlyFapping (2) | December 6, 2012 10:20pm
Goodnight, sweet prince.
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