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Soraka Build Guide by Re18

Support Do u really get her full potential?

Support Do u really get her full potential?

Updated on December 20, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Re18 Build Guide By Re18 5 6 133,980 Views 9 Comments
5 6 133,980 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Re18 Soraka Build Guide By Re18 Updated on December 20, 2017
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moon827 (14) | December 21, 2017 7:28am
Would there be any specific situations where you should take Kleptomancy over Summon Aery? Lately ive been seeing a lot of sorakas taking klepto, is there a reason for it?
Re18 | December 21, 2017 10:25am
moon827 wrote:
Would there be any specific situations where you should take Kleptomancy over Summon Aery? Lately ive been seeing a lot of sorakas taking klepto, is there a reason for it?

Hey Moon,

yea there is a reason. The simple reason is the money safing.
U gain extra gold with klepto, also the bonus u can gain consumables.
Second rune path u can choose between Perfect Timing which gives u the clock u can update to Gargoyle Stoneplate or for a Zhonya's Hourglass. The item will be more cheap with the free watch.
Or you choose the Biscuit Delivery for extra sustain and preventing OOM-situations on lane and safe the money for other potions (+20% pot duration with this path).

In the next rune path step u can choose between free boots and the credit option. The boots safes you money again and the credit option makes money aviable.

Most common last picks of that path are Cosmic Insight for the higher cdr in different points or the Celestial Body for early sustain vs harrassing lanes.

All this means in the end you can rush your items pretty fast, like Redem, Ardent or Solari and have with the cosmic insight even the cdr for using them more effectively. You are full build sooner than with other paths and this is a high advantage when you are for example full premade in the competition mode or in 5vs5 flex and u know ur mates. Cause when u have the communication and the safety of teamplay it is even stronger to push the Raka to full build with the support items which are really strong in teamfights. Combined with the second rune path of resolve ( Font of Life and Revitalize ) it makes her a high team supporter already in late-early or mid game. This allows good teamplay around first tower on bot so u can start roam earlier and have the better allround-supporting with the first items.
The disadvantage of this path is (in my oppinion) u have less support for single targets in the early and lane phase and less sustain for urself ( Nullifying Orb, The Ultimate Hat, Celerity for example). Thats why I wouldnt recommend it for solo-playing.

I hope I could answer ur question :-)

andraionela (4) | December 19, 2017 11:16am
Soraka is my favourite support!Nice guide!
Rapunxel | January 13, 2017 3:21am
I love this build! It's fun to play with and honestly it's very strong. I've won 9/10 of my Soraka games this week and this build definitely helped. Redemption is so funny LOL. There's been a few times where I would get kills from runaway enemies with Redemption which caused a lot of laughs :P

Barrier is amazing with Heal on Soraka and I won't be taking exhaust that much anymore at all...

Great guide, thank you!
hinst (1) | December 1, 2016 10:52am
I can understand why u would not want to buy AP items. The AP ratio for W skill is only 0.6. And for the Q skill the ratio is something like 0.35. Even worse. So u can buy an expensive AP item and get only a small portion of its AP. In contrast, the defensive items dont have such quality to them. If u buy +100 health, u get +100 health. Not 60 or 35. Overall, the AP ratio is pretty awful.

However, the health itself is also a problem. Another thing I dont like about soraka is how the W skill takes % of ur total health. Most math & concepts of the game somewhat make sense. Like health, armor, damage, movement speed and so on. But loosing % of total health does not make sense at all. If u think about it, when she heals someone, the most logical consequence would be to loose exactly as much health as she gives. That, or maybe a ratio. For example, with ratio=1: heal 100, loose 100. With ratio=2: heal 100, loose 200. Either way, it should be % of healed health, not total health.

But thats not how it works. Instead, we have a very unnatural math... and its immediately obvious that it was introduced for the sole purpose of balancing the gaem. As a result, soraka looses % of total health. The consequence is that having more health makes u spend more health ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Re18 | November 11, 2016 1:42am
Hey Miko,

yeah the problem with the running mates in Redem I have too, its not the elo its just the unknown but funny to watch till it becomes frustrating^^

Most times I keep Nomads open till I finished Visage than I choose what I may would need Warmorgs or the running buff. U r right its a nice Item to chase or to escape but for me its enough disengage u got with two movement buffs (heal, Q-buff), a slow (Q) and the bind in Silence which prevent most of the get-caught-skills too, like Lee Q, Hooks etc.
And - Im no fan of running^^ I always say my mates they shouldnt run, they should do them. Most times u could have killed the enemies if u would have stayed and fought but the ppl wanna run and die by getting poked while chase and dived after reached the tower.
Of course only fight if its possible like u and ur adc while a gank on ur lane, dont run, do them . Enemy adc dead - their supp and jung will disengage or at the very latest when they`re low life too. If u r too low life so u die when the gank comes something went wrong and u probably overstayed on ur lane. Or when u r on another lane in the mid game I already have Redem and maybe Locket too so enough safe to do the enemies too.
I know what u mean - most times ur team doesnt have the teamplay and u r solo with one or max two mates against five cause the others died somewhere over the rainbow. Or tank/supp-focusing mates who made the fight fail. For that its nice to have the Talisman cause u have to run.

So I agree with ur arguments. Thats how everyone has to find his own playstyle. Just dont betray Raka and keep on rocking her! ;)

But some points r not for me. I started this season in Bronze so I was in all low Elos with this Acc too. Thats why I made my playstyle - to get highest chances to carry.

For example the split push or ad-items. A Raka is the only Supp who never should be alone cause u take out the usefull meaning of her. Only for wave clear to safe a tower if no one else do it. All other points I agree. I have Deff runes too like I said in the rune section. And for the argument with the real need for escapes - true but for me personally its enough what u get with sums and skills. The tower dives I know too. Most times one of my sums is enough to kill the diver and two divers r no problem too with both sums.

The problems u explained here with the team and the adc.... Im diamond and plat with two accs. They r not better. Maybe not that many times like in low Elo but u have them too. Too much. Thats why I made this guide - I know low Elos too and made my playstyle to carry as much as u can as Raka.

But its really cool u find a real indeep-way for u. No matter if we agree with each other, lol need ppl who think about their champs and playstyle that much and serious with the will to get better and max the chance to win even with bad mates.
MikolajT123 | November 11, 2016 4:37am
Your guide is very helpful, but maybe consider adding separate chapter for sorakas playing in low elo?

Why? I started to play LOL month ago, and as always I was watching all avaliable guides on youtube, and read all guides and tips on mobafire to be prepared. Than I started play ranked, gone to silver division and... everything was different.

On low elo you can expect, that your adc will either act as Rambo pushing hard like in bots game, and you spend all your gold on potions for healing, or he is feeding, or plays passively and we stay by the tower until lev 10. "CSing? What is it?". "Why to kill 5% hp enemy? Better let them escape and save Flash."

Here are my "noob" tips for soraka in low elo:

1. Don't expect your ADC will act like in platinum guides. He will be noob in 80% of battles. Anyway try to keep kim alive, tell him what to do,ward, and use warnings often when you see something, ask for ganks when you see he can handle bot alone. Best thing is to find a good partner (on similar level) for duo-bot and play with him. Reading: "noob support, no help" is normal - ignore it.

Even if bot will win, you can expect other lanes collapse and you will be ganked hard.

2. Note, that at the end of every lost game you will be blamed for the defeat. Your teammates see the KDA (more precisely KD only) and "all report useless soraka feeder" when you end with 0/5/30 and 30k+ heal is a standard.

3. Around level 10 when I see ADC is useless and I waste mana on heals that don't change anything I click tab and try to see who is able to carry the game to victory (highest level, most kills) and I try to follow him and keep him alive by healing/ silencing foes / warding.

3. When enemy bot is pushing and poking hard it's a good idea to buy some armor or magic resist items first and wait until enemy Rambos are out of mana.

4. Somtetimes "panzer" runnes (i use rammus set) are better than standard runes for AP soraka, as they grant more survavilibity in early game.

5. As i wrote before - on low elo good escape mechanism is a must. Your teammates are unpredictable, and you can expect the worst possibility. Another thing is that soraka sometimes has to split-push a lane (teammates forgot) and as you are a "free kill", and enemy is on their way to soraka, you have to run fast just after push using flash/b/talisman of ascension.

6. When I see both teams are rather passive, avoid team fights, and my heals are not needed, as nothing is happening I do some "trolling" and buy some AD items for faster splitpushing/ poking enemy.

7. On lower level you can bait low elo "diver" by standing with little les than half your hp under your tower and than using fast combo: exhaust, R, E, Q, autoattack, Q to kill him using tower, and he will be suprised by "banana kill".
MikolajT123 | November 11, 2016 1:21am
Hi! I am sillver player.
My master champ is "usless, noob, report supp" soraka.
When I found Redemption in a new patch I knew it's a must-have for my soraka. But I still build Talisman of Ascention first (i know it was nerfed) for 3 reasons:
1. Talisman gives you and your teammates utiity to escape, or to hunt escaping enemy in early/mid game.
2. Good concentration of teammates / opponents (in one place) to use Redemption with a good result is rather late game during team fights.
3. I've noticed, that when I use Redemption my teammates think it is danger and flee from the healing circle, but this could be because this is a new item and/or my division's teammates skills are low :)
CinnamonSlayer (2) | November 8, 2016 8:10am
I had typed in a long *** comment about how the build was very good and how it helped me and my team win a 40 minute game in which I went 0/2/25, but then I pressed preview and lost my whole comment.

Overall, would recommend the build Barrier and Heal is very cancer on Soraka even though my enemy team had 3 Ignites. The health regeneration you get from the first few items before Warmog's was unbelievably helpful, since I had 3 ADCs in my team, and couldn't build up to Warmog's before the game ended.
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