Bot has not changed much from patch 7.23. This is still volatile meta, where a small lead can easily snowball in the bot lane. The only noticeable change from this patch that involves bot is Sona seemed to dip in pick rate and win rate. Other than that it seems like there is only a few minor changes.

Popular and Strong ADCS

54.1% Winrate
25.2% Ban Rate

In a world where the best poke wins lane, Miss Fortune is the queen of that world. Arcane Comet, Manaflow Band, Celerity, and Scorch is not only ridiculous for increasing her damage output, but also gives Miss Fortune the ability to spam her heavy mana costing Make it Rain.

51% Winrate
40% Ban Rate

Ezreal is a bit busted thanks to some buffs to his ratios. But the real thanks is to Kleptomancy being so damn good for Ezreal. The extra gold and random items make it so that he can reach his core items faster and not get so outclassed in the early game. It also helps that bot lane in general is a poke meta at the moment.

Popular and strong supports

52.5% Winrate
1.3% Ban Rate

Taric is great in this meta due to Bravado. The rest of his kit is amazing as well, but even at higher ranks, there is many people who grossly underestimate the burst power of taric. He is also a great counter to other popular supports at the moment such as Leona and Alistar.

53% Winrate
2.8% Ban Rate

Sona has a special place in NA players hearts. From my research, Sona is only popular and at a high win rate within NA solo que, in particular at lower elo. This makes a ton of sense since she is not only easy to play, but also benefits greatly from Manaflow Band, Summon Aery, and Scorch. These are all easily triggered by Hymn of Valor and Aria of Perseverance. Great for low elo players looking to get free LP.

53.3% Winrate
31.1% Ban Rate

Ever since IgNar captured the hearts of solo que players with his impressive Leona play at worlds. Leona has been enjoying a nice return to both competitive and solo que, with good reason. She is great into denying poke lanes, by legit throwing everything shes got at them, and bursting them down. Leona herself, is tanky and a good answer to ranged supports if one has the courage to dive the enemy bot lane.

Hidden gems

50.1% Winrate
28.3% Ban Rate

This ones weird but hear me out. In this meta we are seeing a disruptive trend. Extremes are being favored in terms of damage and beefiness, while the middle guys are falling out of meta. For the latter, Vayne is a legendary tank buster, and can solo carry games. If you can just survive early game, Vayne is pretty much an ace in the hole if you are proficient with playing her.

53% Winrate
0.8% Ban rate

Nami has greatly enjoyed the new rune system. Summon Aery and Manaflow Band have greatly improved Nami's kit power, in particular with Ebb and Flow. Her heal/poke playstyle is a nice hybrid that is a great response to poke lanes, and her Aqua Prison is great at keeping all in supports such as Leona and Alistar at bay.

50.2% Winrate
3.3% Ban Rate

One word Unbreakable. This baby is a one size fits all solution to many factors in the bot lane. Getting poked? Unbreakable. Enemy support engaging on you? Unbreakable. It's a great response, that many people are overlooking in my opinion.


Overall I think bot lane is in a great state at the moment. More so for support, since there seems to be more variety and flexibility with whats good, but its fun and rewards players who are aggressive.


ADC Health: B
Support Health: A
Overall enjoyment: A-
Final Grade: A