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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How to Find your Main Champion?


  • psycholigix

    How to Find your Main Champion?

    How do you guys find your main champ? because i cant decide which champ i choose
  • Answers (10)

    KajiKumihoAkukei (140) | June 12, 2018 1:22am
    It's actually really easy.
    Just pick the champion you enjoy playing the most in the role you enjoy the most and feel the most comfortable at playing.
    Don't look at meta or stats.
    Choose the champion you can play over and over without getting tired of playing him / her.
    For me that's Fiddlesticks, because I love the champion and I can play him in multiple roles (jungle, mid and support). ^^
    orrvaa (41) | June 13, 2018 9:59am
    In addition if you didn't find a champion like that just try to play some games with other champions, you can use the free champion each week for it. I found mine Taric when i tried to play him after he was reworked as i was support anyway.
    KajiKumihoAkukei (140) | June 13, 2018 12:39pm
    Good point, free champion rotation is great for finding champions you like! ^^
    LEPRECHAUNH8RED | June 14, 2018 3:39pm
    Yeah I 100% agree with this. It's what I did and I am loving Anivia, Syndra mid and Fiora whenever I play top :D
    Zandesh (2) | July 8, 2018 11:15am
    There'll be as many answers to this question as there is summoners, and one can only tell what their own experiences are with the game (obviosuly), I took my liking to the unusual picks that were forgotten in the meta, so I was basically playing every champion there was, until I found someone I really liked, and in Season 3 to 7 it was Shaco, and now it's Garen for me :)
    TMS Sugar | July 1, 2018 4:52am
    Just try some champions in the rotation. I tried Trundle ones and I felt most comfortable playing him. I was trying many new ways to play Trundle and now it's my main.
    DanDDude | June 24, 2018 11:59pm
    Sometimes you don't always have to play the champ. Watch how pro players use the champ and if you like it go on! But to feel it yourself you have to play of course.
    Bombabo (3) | June 22, 2018 10:44am
    Play Urgot. He's your main now.
    Qwerty19 (2) | June 16, 2018 10:03am
    Narrow your search of over 100 champs by asking yourself what playstyle you enjoy to play the most: tank, assassin, adc, burst mage, skill shots, etc. Then look into the champs that closely match your criteria. That is a good place to start. Another is to always play the free champ rotations so you get a taste of everything. Eventually you will find a main and then you will find a new champ that you like better. I have gone through about 5 mains in 5 years playing.
    hadbre (12) | June 15, 2018 11:15am
    Also, you can try to point out what you like in your current favourite champions (role, roaming potential, skill cap, if they are early/late champions, etc...), than point out what do you want your main to have, put that on a paper and search for a champion that matches *** much as possible with that.
    ninja8135 (6) | June 14, 2018 6:10am
    Mainly it's experimentation. Riot makes champs free to play for a reason. Take the time to try out the champs that are in the rotation exery week. Start by figuring out what role you'd like to play, either support, mid, top, bot, or jungle. I recommend picking your second favorite too, as a backup for draft picks. That will help you restrict the champion field. From there, you can decide what champion you want to use. Like I said, use the free champion rotation to your advantage. That way you don't spend your hard earned BE on a champion you aren't going to play.
    seif hazem | June 12, 2018 11:33am
    its normal that i pick a main for every lane ?
    KajiKumihoAkukei (140) | June 12, 2018 1:14pm
    Of course, you should always have at least one champion for every role that you know how to play. ^^ You never know when you will be auto filled!
    Slowbob (8) | June 12, 2018 6:59am
    If you need a main for low elo ranked, look at how easy the champion is and how powerful they can be (Syndra, Annie, Miss Fortune, or Chogath for example). If you want a main for casual, just play a mix of champions when they are free to play and pick the one that makes you either have the most fun, or you play the best. Practice a few champions a lot, and then pick one that you like the best :D

    Unless you want a main for high elo ranked play... Then you gotta pick something with high skill= high damage (and or play making potential). Champs like Zed, Yassuo, Riven, Draven.
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