This support tier list describes an approximate state of supports in solo-queue across skilled ranks. The order champions appear within tiers is sorted in alphabetical order.
s tier
Overpowered supports that define the meta and perform above and beyond in their role.
A Tier
Strong supports that are favourable in the meta and often outperform their counterparts.
b tier
Good supports that can compete in the meta and succeed in certain situations.
c tier
Viable supports that have the necessary tools to get the job done.
d tier
Underpowered supports that lack the strength to be executed efficiently.
Thanks for the comment. (:
it jus kinda makes no sense to me, dont get me wrong neeko has flaws as support but she is played and neeko supports are like shaco, playing the mindgame and drive enemy nuts, she is on every other tier list so i just kinda asked, ofc its your opinion and i cant stop anyone from that, but honestly she is a really good support in low elo especially and most adcs imet prefer her over lux as her ult is way more useful as a support than lux ks laser XD. her low playrate as both mid and sup comes from the fact that she isnt a popular champ in generel, but she can be played top , mid , apc and support so neekos do like to one trick her shes just very versataile and unlikely to get nerfed unlike others due to her clear weaknesses and relativly simple base kit, thx for the reply otherwise.
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There is a lot of pro play footage with Sett support if you're curious. :-)
In 11.3, Seraphine lost 1-4 base damage per rank on her passive notes and about 10-20 base shielding. The shield nerf is somewhat notable, but otherwise, this is a small change. The nerf considered, I still felt Seraphine best fit the description of an S Tier champion.
Of course, Seraphine received much harsher nerfs in 11.5. You can expect her to drop in a future update. Thanks for the comment. (:
Otherwise, I generally agree. Thanks for the comment.
I feel like right now Pantheon deserves S+ due to his overpowered nature with point-click cc and then the even tower shot blocking shield (which is insanity and Riot needs to nerf).
Nice tier list!
Thanks for the comment!
I usually go heal or poke when I support, never tank. I'll try to go Pantheon as sup... or you know what? Idc because I'm main ADC so... xD
Anyways, good luck :>
Also, reading through your comments? You are so thorough in responding, and just, I really appreciate it. You seem to be a really nice person. Thank you for putting so much effort into a fun little thing like this.
I've played a lot of Sona last season as well. I agree with your assessment. I think what keeps Sona in check is that she is very vulnerable and can be easily killed in a team-fight. In comparison, there are many situations where Yuumi can remain attached to a carry champion and remain untargetable. Yuumi can provide the same value, if not more, than Sona at much less risk. In particular, Yuumi's adaptive stat bonuses feel very overwhelming.
I would play Yuumi too if she didn't have 70% pick/ban presence. I think if Riot incentivized Yuumi to detach in team-fights, it would solve a lot of her balancing problems.
btw I guess you forgot the change Shaco's place to tier D because it says "Demoted from C tier" on him.
I also like to know your thoughts on Amumu sup. I've seen some people trying it but I haven't personally tested it yet.
I've not seen Amumu support in a long time barring an unusual normal game. I don't think it would traditionally work since he is very limited during the lane phase. It will also be difficult to maneuver him outside of the lane phase, since he will probably be more volatile than before since support items don't offer him as much tank properties. If he chooses to build legitimate tank items, they will be too costly for his support income. I think his kit is too suited for the jungle since he can clear camps pretty adequately. He is also great with cinderhulk.
I would personally not recommend it. Perhaps it could work in Silver where players will not competently punish an Amumu pick. He could have great gank assist, so you may be able to snowball if you're camped. If you can somehow reach a late game with a hybrid mix of support & tank items, it wouldn't be any different from regular Amumu jungle during the mid game, but you would hit your items much later than normal.
Thanks for the comment!