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Yasuo Build Guide by The_Unf0rgiv3n

Top [13.23] Unforgiven's IN-DEPTH Yasuo mid/top guide

Top [13.23] Unforgiven's IN-DEPTH Yasuo mid/top guide

Updated on November 21, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The_Unf0rgiv3n Build Guide By The_Unf0rgiv3n 2929 248 6,431,559 Views 156 Comments
2929 248 6,431,559 Views 156 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The_Unf0rgiv3n Yasuo Build Guide By The_Unf0rgiv3n Updated on November 21, 2023
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SUP3RG4MESpt | June 11, 2023 6:13am
Hello, i would like to ask why coup de grace instead of last stand?
BradJr (33) | June 9, 2023 8:11am
Hello! Very well-made guide, my friend!

I would like to get an explanation as to why Galeforce is good on Yasuo (and even Yone)? Sure, it's a crit item, so it's at least decent, but Yasuo is not really a burst champion. I find a lot of success with the build too, I just really don't understand why it works.

Please do let me know! Best of luck!
The_Unf0rgiv3n (9) | June 9, 2023 1:18pm
It works, because galeforce right now works really well with having crit dmg and no one other than Yone and Yasuo can reach its full dmg potential faster in the game. When you build 2 items, you can end up dealing up to 750 dmg just from Galeforce alone especially if you use it after a combo with your ult. It helps you execute targets, engage, escape.. it's super versatile. But that's all gonna change next patch when they nerf Galeforce, so I'm gonna have to probably delete those builds and find new ones that work good.
WindsofChange | May 20, 2023 10:50am
Nice! I've been waiting for someone to update the builds for Yasuo for this patch. Good job, man! I'm looking forward to see the match ups being updated soon as well hopefully!
The_Unf0rgiv3n (9) | May 20, 2023 10:53am
Thank you! I will try to update them all as soon as possible in accordance to the new builds and buildpaths. There are also some other builds that I'm currently testing so expect a potential change in that area too ;)
OffLimited | May 17, 2023 3:31am
Hi, very good guide, but why buy zeal at RUSH #1 and #2?
The_Unf0rgiv3n (9) | May 17, 2023 4:56am
Because it's a bit outdated. Now with the new patch coming up, I'm gonna change all the builds and see which new ones work best for him, so stay tuned for that!
Dobholder | April 17, 2023 11:29pm
hi, I really liked your guide on yasuo, but I don't really understand whether kraken is really needed on Yasuo, it seems to me it's enough to buy BORK first, and then, according to the situation, buy 3-4 dominik items. (sorry for the crooked English)
The_Unf0rgiv3n (9) | April 18, 2023 3:44am
Hey! Yeah, buying Kraken is a bit outdated, but I just never had time to edit out the whole thing. Usually nowadays you'd wanna go with either any Shieldbow build or do the one without it and just getting pure tank stats, which could be risky, but rewarding in some cases.
Whenever I have some free time, I'll try to just remove any Kraken builds from both top and mid. It's pretty much completely worthless atm.
AntiCheatus | March 12, 2023 12:29pm
I like this guide its very like good but sometimes idk when to play lethal tempo and when not
The_Unf0rgiv3n (9) | March 12, 2023 2:20pm
Honestly, right now, it's just not worth going anything else but LT. There's no need to even think about it.
AntiCheatus | March 12, 2023 3:15pm
Ok thanks
notunknown (1) | March 7, 2023 10:50am
When you say rush kraken/BOTRK, does that mean to skip even zerkers and go straight for the item?
The_Unf0rgiv3n (9) | March 7, 2023 1:20pm
No no, Berserkers always first. You absolutely need that early attack speed before you build any other item.
icat | February 24, 2023 6:03am
Very good guide, pretty much everything you wanna know about yasuo
The_Unf0rgiv3n (9) | February 24, 2023 6:46am
Thank you! I've done my best to provide exactly that :) I hope it will help you in your games!
wowpolaki | February 2, 2023 4:42pm
isn't worth buying Infinite Edge as first item after the last patch?
The_Unf0rgiv3n (9) | February 3, 2023 9:02am
Absolutely not, because not only you wont have enough AS, but you'll be squishy AF because of the lack of the lifeline passive of Shieldbow. Without it, you're basically paper. So dont get IE first.
VitalityHavoc | January 10, 2023 10:57pm
Dude, this guide is INSANELY good! I have watched you a bit on stream and I can't believe you're only averaging 70-100 viewers... You deserve so much more, man! Keep up the good work!
The_Unf0rgiv3n (9) | January 10, 2023 11:08pm
Aww, thanks man! I really appreciate the kind words and I do hope that more people will discover my channel in the near future. Let me know the next time you stop by the stream!
ZombieVigilante | November 14, 2022 5:45am
When would you build PD or RFC
The_Unf0rgiv3n (9) | November 14, 2022 5:58am
Usually never. You just dont need those 2 items AT ALL on Yasuo. You can probably get PD in some games, but it's not the most optimal way to build him.
ZombieVigilante | November 14, 2022 4:34pm
then same goes for Mortal Reminder and botrk, rarely i should build them. But when should i build botrk? when there's 2 or more tanks or just in more niche situations.
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MejasSoulStealer | September 25, 2022 12:55pm
Hello, This guide is AMAZING!!! i have a question also, do you think these builds will chaange or stay for a while in current meta, and second, will you update these builds ?
The_Unf0rgiv3n (9) | September 25, 2022 4:22pm
Thank you! As soon as I know some guides are no longer useful, I will remove/update them. I try to keep the guide up to date as often as I can!
TrinityForceYasuo | January 4, 2020 2:27pm
Nice overall but remove that statik dude :P
The_Unf0rgiv3n (9) | January 4, 2020 8:14pm
You know that even though it's not usable anymore, it's still a possible option for a more "aggressive" approach to the game. I'm not removing it as a possibility :P
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[13.23] Unforgiven's IN-DEPTH Yasuo mid/top guide

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