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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Galeforce

Total Price: 3400 | Recipe Price: 650 | Sell Price: 2380

LoL Item: Galeforce
  • 50 Attack Damage
  • 15% Attack Speed
  • 20% Critical Strike Chance
  • 7% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Active: Dash to the target location, though not through terrain, and fire three homing missiles at the most wounded enemy within 750 units of you at the end of the dash, prioritizing enemy champions. Each missile deals 50116.67 (+0.15 per bonus attack damage) physical damage, for a total of 150350 (+0.45 per bonus attack damage) (depending on level), increased by 050% (depending on target's missing health) (120 second cooldown; 200-425 range).

Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 bonus attack damage.
  • 50 Attack Damage
  • 15% Attack Speed
  • 20% Critical Strike Chance
  • 7% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Active: Dash to the target location, though not through terrain, and fire three homing missiles at the most wounded enemy within 750 units of you at the end of the dash, prioritizing enemy champions. Each missile deals 50116.67 (+0.15 per bonus attack damage) physical damage, for a total of 150350 (+0.45 per bonus attack damage) (depending on level), increased by 050% (depending on target's missing health) (120 second cooldown; 200-425 range).

Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 bonus attack damage.

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