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Singed Build Guide by MarkFromSingedMains

Top Mark's Guide to Singed: Discontinued

Top Mark's Guide to Singed: Discontinued

Updated on February 23, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MarkFromSingedMains Build Guide By MarkFromSingedMains 883 55 2,247,812 Views 120 Comments
883 55 2,247,812 Views 120 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MarkFromSingedMains Singed Build Guide By MarkFromSingedMains Updated on February 23, 2021
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DOMON | March 30, 2021 10:12pm
Its so sad to see someone stops making guides for this champion. I my opinion Singed today has a potential to fight with newer champs even without a rework.
I know I'm no pro player, but using Singed is a good champ. Anyways hope you may reconsider that Singed community is dead or has fallen apart and still continue on making guides. God bless, God speed, and stay safe.
baqman | March 1, 2021 3:38am
Thanks for the tremendous help you have given me in both runes, items, fundamentals, and even jungling as a singed.

Thanks for all the hours & work you've put into this guide!
Somekindoflower | February 3, 2021 3:20am
MARK! The patch is live! Time to update the guide
MarkFromSingedMains (2) | February 3, 2021 6:15am
Working on it :)
ljosalfar | February 2, 2021 7:31pm
thorough, but like most guides prob needs some update to keep up with patch
MarkFromSingedMains (2) | February 3, 2021 6:15am
This is up to date. I edit and amend the information every two weeks (Or sooner, supposing something big happens).
blacksotos | January 22, 2021 2:09am
which champion is worst for singed ti fight?
MarkFromSingedMains (2) | January 23, 2021 7:19am
I'd say it's probably still Darius, his kit just works so well for shutting down Singed, another good contender for the worst champ to fight is Fiora due to how tricky it is to deal with her W.
blacksotos | January 23, 2021 12:13pm
wow we agree
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RedNBlue (1) | December 18, 2020 8:04am
I was wondering, as playing Singed you want them to chase you down to make them die from being dumb. So why would you want slows from Rylais which would only make them not chase you as they can't catch you with your speed that you are also building from Phase Rush or others. Why build speed and slows on Singed if its going to make them not chase you?
MarkFromSingedMains (2) | December 19, 2020 11:23am
The notion of relying on players chasing Singed is super impractical and only really works in Iron-Silver, beyond that people know not to chase you. Having your Q as a zoning tool due to the slow is a lot more useful, and the way Q works is that if they're slowed, they're in the Q longer, and so take more damage.
IvernLover74856 | December 17, 2020 6:31pm
What happened to the phase rush runes? What am I to take vs. Nasus now?
MarkFromSingedMains (2) | December 19, 2020 11:20am
Phase Rush still! My mistake on removing it!!!
MarkFromSingedMains (2) | December 19, 2020 11:40am
I've just updated the Runes section, sorry about that :X
Tanner_Mirabel | December 10, 2020 3:58pm
Puh... respect for the great guide, thanks for your effort. However, as someone who was thinking about maining Singed as he is so unique, I now have the impression that this is rather a lost cause. Nearly every popular current pick is listed as an " Extreme" encounter, which looks like you can´t play him at all without being on the edge of certain lose from minute one. Or do I get it wrong?
MarkFromSingedMains (2) | December 10, 2020 7:18pm
I think to an extent this is true, maining Singed is a commitment and the learning curve is one of the steepest in the game. But if you put the effort into maining him then you can do some insane things no other champion would every dream of. Due to the struggle of maining Singed the community on the Discord, and to a lesser extent the Reddit, are lovely. You have to remember, if you enjoy playing Singed then you should play Singed, no matter what state he's in. I'm sure things will be better in the future and right now it's just a temporary rough spot
Tanner_Mirabel | December 11, 2020 4:43am
Thanks Mark. You are right of course. I think I will just give it a try this season - lets see what happens. Thanks for the motivation. I will also check out the community!
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fg7tk | December 9, 2020 12:09am
How do you play against sett?
MarkFromSingedMains (2) | December 9, 2020 12:54pm
With great difficulty at the moment. You want to be playing around your passive a lot in this matchup- more specifically if he's using his W, you can more often than not run through him with passive to get away from it, or towards and out the side where it's more narrow.

The main issue is his Q and E though, with his E if he uses it at the further ranges you can't counter it, but if he's using it close to you, so long as you have the reaction speed, you can fling him and he E's you so you can at least create a bit of space and avoid his E AA Q combo. Building early armour helps here, but it's not to be relied on as of the new item changes, you mostly want to fight him in extended trades where he's forced to chase you if he wants to get AA's, if you just let him AA you freely then you're in for a terrible time, always be on the move and keeping your distance, let him come to you and run through your Q if he wants to fight, and save your E for disengaging him as opposed to using it to engage.
AYellowSandwich | December 3, 2020 9:22am
Lots of options and lots of notes, really helpful:)
Sad Funky Kong | November 25, 2020 2:58pm
Do Chemtank and Sunfire have the same amount of damage from bami's?
MarkFromSingedMains (2) | November 26, 2020 9:06am
They do the same damage
singedvietnam | November 24, 2020 11:45pm
MarkFromSingedMains (2) | November 26, 2020 9:07am
TentiTiger11 (5) | July 11, 2020 10:24pm
So i bought singed awhile ago, but never played him. i found a few things that i have questions about.
1. would it be fine to start out with the conq rune first try? Also i cant read the new to singed rune notes cause too much text.
2. who would u ban most of the time? Im around bronze elo. u need a master's degree and 10 years to read most of the guide?
Pathetic Singed (4) | July 12, 2020 7:01am
1. You can start out with the Conq runepage, however you'll have a harder learning curve (And the Singed learning curve is already pretty extreme) so I advise using the Aftershock runepages to get yourself more comfortable with Singed (I have a part on explaining this in the notes for the runes, which you can read in full either by scrolling the page so the Aftershock logo is at the top of your screen, or by going to the Runes section in the guide where I go more in-depth on the different runepages). Essentially, you want Aftershock so you can make more mistakes to learn more per game.

2. Darius is the go-to ban for Singed players, however Fiora and Volibear have been bans I've seen come into popularity recently. If you're new to Singed I'd advise banning Darius because he's the most common counterpick.

3. You don't need a master's degree and 10 years to read the guide, but I do sympathise with that sentiment. The guide is there to be not only useful for new Singed players but also the very experienced players, so my advise would be to work your way through, and if there's something you're not so sure about (Such as the Getting Technical section) you might want to skip over that until you're more comfortable on Singed and looking for more information. The guide is a live document so (most) players go back and forth between playing the game and referring back to the guide. There's also the Singed Mains Discord which might be useful if you're planning on getting into Singed in a serious way.

I hope this answers your questions, GL HF :)
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