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Pantheon Build Guide by XLZ

The Hybrid Theory

The Hybrid Theory

Updated on June 6, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author XLZ Build Guide By XLZ 260 48 1,282,435 Views 403 Comments
260 48 1,282,435 Views 403 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author XLZ Pantheon Build Guide By XLZ Updated on June 6, 2011
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Kerma (2) | September 7, 2011 7:52am
I don't really think that sword of the occult is really neccessary and I find myself even with the best team dying once in a while and it just ends up being really weak and minimum potential. I go with manamune instead so I can have 2.7k mana and have some AD with it too.
XLZ (10) | September 3, 2011 10:17am

So i took the time and used your build :).I changed a few things(small diffrences in masteries and Exhaust over Teleport since i was not in a premade).Well i really like the build overall.But i feel too stack dependant.I mean if you die you lose extreme amounts of damage witch are more difficult afterwards to get back.Also you are more team reliant before you stack up your SoTO.And if your team sucks you are sort of doomed unless you get fed from some bad enemy players.Anyway.I am not ungreatfull i finished 16/2/20.Its just those 2 times they killed me it was like i lost an abyss of damage.But the build worked and you have much better survive ability.+1 :)

Yeah you're right. Basically my build relies on the teamate you've got by your side. Panth has always had a very squishi early game so you need someone who has some cc as well as a sustained damage to combo with.
I released this build 9 months agoo when Panth could easily kill anybody at lvl 3 with his E (heartseeker). Before it was easier to become feeded, now it needs some more skill ^^
It is also true that you depend quite a lot on your stacks, so once you've managed to gain some, use your brain when entering combat, play safe, ensure you've got your flash ready to pop out if needed.. etc.
In conclusion:
- Take a good partner with cc and dmg
- Get occult sword a.s.a.p
- Get feeded in early
- Use your brain to avoid ganks and loss of stacks
- Win.
Forgottenduty (78) | September 3, 2011 8:32am
So i took the time and used your build :).I changed a few things(small diffrences in masteries and Exhaust over Teleport since i was not in a premade).Well i really like the build overall.But i feel too stack dependant.I mean if you die you lose extreme amounts of damage witch are more difficult afterwards to get back.Also you are more team reliant before you stack up your SoTO.And if your team sucks you are sort of doomed unless you get fed from some bad enemy players.Anyway.I am not ungreatfull i finished 16/2/20.Its just those 2 times they killed me it was like i lost an abyss of damage.But the build worked and you have much better survive ability.+1 :)
Mr Krabs soep | August 24, 2011 4:04pm
Can you make a video of how your gameplay is?

I like the guide anyways
ePiQx 4iml3zZ | August 24, 2011 8:48am
Looks interesting.
Personally I would take Ghost over TP, but thats just my personal Opinion.
Good work here, gonna test it.
Itasko (1) | August 21, 2011 7:36am
This is an ok build. You have good survivability, but severely lacks damage output, even at full stacks. Sorry, but not a fan of this build. You put in some great effort, but it just doesn't work for me.
RyuseiZero | July 28, 2011 3:59pm
I love this build. Unlike other pantheon build where people just try to make pantheon bigger ad that become useless when you fight pro tank, this build help give ad and health make it perfect for pantheon to survive and be pro
Mrtalksalot (1) | July 24, 2011 8:56pm
last comment on the first page, srry xP
Mrtalksalot (1) | July 24, 2011 8:56pm
To comment on the last one, it all depends on how you pla panth. if you are usually within the front lines than yes, this would be a more prefered build, but playing him like you would an AP castor works just as well, since he has such remarkable dps capabilities. i have both seen and been in situations when pantheon kills as fast as a fed veigar. they cant counter if they are already dead
Kyrnlawl | July 9, 2011 11:16am
Hey you say, with elexir of life in end game you get extra dmg, i get why, but not how you can take elexirs on when you have a full inventory? Still kinda new to the game so havent found out of all the game mechanics, and also, do you play very defensive in early game? i tend to start with stupid deaths due to greed cuz he takes spikey dmg it seemz.. But ****ing nice guide, love playing panth with your spec n' items!!

Kyrnlawl @ Eu
XLZ (10) | July 3, 2011 6:35am
Aesdeyn wrote:

I've used this guide a couple dozen times now, and I gotta say, the damage/survivability that you get from everything is amazing, great job!

Ty for feedback :) that's exactly what I was looking for when I came out with this build :P
Aesdeyn (1) | July 2, 2011 5:34pm
I've used this guide a couple dozen times now, and I gotta say, the damage/survivability that you get from everything is amazing, great job!
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