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Diana Build Guide by Njoror

Jungle S14: Jungle Disastrous Diana Going Offensive or Defensive

Jungle S14: Jungle Disastrous Diana Going Offensive or Defensive

Updated on September 13, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Njoror Build Guide By Njoror 2461 277 12,524,065 Views 158 Comments
2461 277 12,524,065 Views 158 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Njoror Diana Build Guide By Njoror Updated on September 13, 2024
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ePointer | April 23, 2024 1:20am
Hi, I read through "chances of invading you" but can you do a more general jungle matchups guide?
Njoror (3) | April 23, 2024 7:31am
I can add a section for match ups in addition to the invade chances. I do go over why they invade you in a short brief explanation, but I can go into more detail for match up driven individuals in the jungle in an additional segment.
LunaValkyria | December 28, 2022 6:57pm
Hey! I was curious which JG Pet you recommend with this build? I'm so happy to see Diana really making a comeback this season, I've loved playing her since she first dropped, and I'm happy to be doing so again after a couple of seasons.
Njoror (3) | December 29, 2022 9:35am
The Mosstomper Seedling is the go to jungle pet for Diana this season so far. I am happy diana is making a come back in the jungle with this upcoming season as well.
XxSakuyaa | December 13, 2022 8:54am
Hey, I wonder if this build is also good for mid lane Diana?
Njoror (3) | December 13, 2022 11:29am
The tank half of this guide yes I've done it mid lane and had very successful tests. I haven't gotten to the Ap build side of it yet so I don't know as of yet. If you test it out and you find it good or bad after multiple games let me know.

I've done this build in the jungle and had good results. Mid side though I do not know as of yet.
XxSakuyaa | December 19, 2022 1:32am
Ahh I am very sorry I forgot to read this and thank you for your reply. I will be updating you about the build on mid-lane a few days later if I have time.
Millkommen | November 23, 2022 3:25am
Hi, I don't understand why picking sunfire instead of zhonya. R + zhonya combo is necessary to engage imho
Njoror (3) | November 23, 2022 9:10am
Depends Zhonyas gives you Armor and AP and Stasis. Sunfire Gives Armor, HP and Immolate. If you are looking to go just damage and armor go zhonyas, If you are looking for sustainability go Sunfire it depends on your build. Zhonyas is in the item listings for offensive stats. As I have stated in the guide these are items I generally build but the items can be swapped for your play-style. If my play-style doesn't vibe with you that is ok. The point of the guide is to give you idea on HOW to play diana. If one build doesn't work or sit well with you that is ok, swap out items or try new items. It is to open your mind to understand that diana can be played more then one way and work well.
pittsburgh460 | November 17, 2022 4:33pm
Hi. How do i know the order i should build each item? In the two off-def mix builds only the order changes but i cant see how to choose each. Also do i go full tank if there is no tank in my team or also when there are a lot of bruisers?
Njoror (3) | November 17, 2022 10:13pm
The order in which you build it is different but that is just in what order I placed them in as. You can build them in any order you feel fits best, the items are just the items I would build but not the necessary order, it depends on who I was vsing in the jungle and what the enemy team comp is. For when vsing bruisers generally you want to be somewhat tanky but not complete tank.

If your team has NO tank and you need one and you feel the team needs a frontline for the people pushing out a mass ton of damage go full tank. The builds can also be intermingled and modified to what you need for what team comps you are vsing. I am also in the middle of updating the items since the new items for the pre-season has started.

For the Main build I have listed is nice and I enjoy it. Like I said though the build order can always be changed I just give people an IDEA of what items I build at the end of the game if I have all the items.
GabryelComY | August 19, 2022 11:44am
hi, from the guide you seem to have mastered the champion, my diana performance has dropped in my last games because i don't know how to play against bruisers, could you help me with that, saying a good build and some mindset i need to have? Warwick, jax, tryndamere, volibear, udyr etc. are a big problem for me

translated by google translator :)
Njoror (3) | August 20, 2022 4:59pm
Bruiser are definitely hard due to their 1v1 potential is high (Some more then others but there are ways to fight them). People like Warwick, Tryndamere and Volibear you want to have items that give you armor and healing reduction. I would say when dealing with those people do the tank diana build. Example: Nashor's Tooth, Plated SteelCaps, Sunfire Aegis, Morellonomicon (Or just get Oblivion orb), Demonics Embrace and Zhonyas Hourglass to deal with trynds ult OR Rabadons Deathcap.

Jax and Udyr are a little bit different depending on how strong they are when fighting them. For Jax due to diana autoing you have to poke him out before all ining him due to his ability to dodge all your autos which is a big portion of your damage. He also scales ALOT harder then diana does. If you have a lead on him try to use it affectingly to keep his scaling to a minimum.

Udyr is just a huge pain as his movement speed allows him to kite you and dodge your abilities. If you are vsing him pretty much treat him with as much caution as jax.

The build I gave in my first paragraph work for all the champions you would Vs. If you feel you need to swap something to make vsing these individuals better for YOUR play-style go for it. These are items and builds of used vs these champions before and have worked for me.

I hope this helps you.
Kayto Kun | August 11, 2022 11:39pm
hello from what i have seen most dianas that play jungle go nashor tooth into sunfire aegis with the conq runes, i know thats semi tank but which one is better for climbing low elo?
Njoror (3) | August 12, 2022 10:05am
The build order that is here is just the full build I have generally for Diana. How you build is up to you.

You are correct that most dianas build Nashors tooth first as it helps with jungle clear and damage as diana autos quite a bit as a AP Mage. Conq is solid for tanking as you'll get your Conq stacks off pretty consistently. I have been doing lethal tempo with the sunfire aegis build to see how often I can get my 3rd auto off during longer fights. I like it so far. It also depends on the enemy team comp you are vsing. If there are 2 massive tanks on the team I say go for Conq, If you are vsing a tank and a fight/bruiser go for more upfront damage or lethal tempo (I like this one but this is how I enjoy playing diana and there are many ways to enjoy her kit).

The other way to build diana is Raw tank stats with some AP in it. As her shield does get stronger the more health you build so a raw tank diana is also doable (Example Build: Sunfire Aegis, Nashors Tooth, Spirit Visage (Yes this passive does affect the W shield Strength), Randiuns or Thornmail (Depending if you need Healing reduction), Shadow Flame (For health, more AP and AP Pen) and Plated steel-caps for boots.

For climbing out of Low Elo I would say your best bet is running The Sunfire Aegis build. It is a Solid all around build for diana and you can swap out items for whatever is needed against the enemy team.
Howff | July 2, 2022 12:28pm
Let's say I'm really adamant about adding Lichbane into my build. What other items do you think I should pair with it?
Njoror (3) | July 2, 2022 2:25pm
You can pair Lichbane with Night harvester and Nashor's Tooth or you can do Riftmaker, Lichbane into Demonic Embrace. Play with those and see how they feel to you.
Howff | July 2, 2022 2:49pm
Thanks man, exactly what I wanted to hear given how much I love Night Harvester.
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ToffifeeCZE | May 21, 2022 5:14am
Can i play conqueror with the defensive build?
Njoror (3) | May 21, 2022 8:07am
100% you can. I've done the Conq build with a defensive build as well. I quite like it. I've also Done Conq into tank. (Riftmaker, Demonics Embrace, Rabadons Dcap, Randiuns, Spirit Visage and Plated steelcaps) It was a pretty fun build.

The Guide I made is to give a new idea/playstyle on diana as I feel she is hugely versatile in the way you can build her.
ranch | May 6, 2022 12:51pm
super helpful, lots of healing, honestly just great build
Njoror (3) | May 7, 2022 7:31am
Thank you I am happy you enjoyed the build. You can also do tank/ap diana if you feel too squishy at times, both work wonders.
Forsakenreborn | April 3, 2022 7:28pm
worked wonders for me
Njoror (3) | May 7, 2022 7:30am
I am glad it helped. GL on your future Diana Games :)
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