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Recommended Items
Runes: Sustain Damage
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Moonsilver Blade (PASSIVE)
Diana Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide

This is a guide for

Summoner Spells.
Flash - Always run this because this is really her only escape mechanic. Sadly Diana doesn't really have any escape mechanic which is a really big downfall of hers. She can use Q and her ult if you are near any minions or camp sites in the jungle to get away.
Smite - Always take this while jungling it makes clearing your jungle a lot faster.
Smite - Always take this while jungling it makes clearing your jungle a lot faster.
Pros / Cons.
The Pros and Cons of Diana
- She is a great assassin
- Great burst damage with her Q and Ult / This is also a great gap closer
- She can be a great initiator
- She can catch people out of position
- Give sight of people with her Q
- She can be a mage tank if need be
- Building full force offensive leaves her vulnerable
- Doesn't have an escape mechanic. (Flash is her only escape mechanic in a team fight)
- Some jungler ganks can be devastating as diana as she is kinda weak in the beginning
- Her true burstyness doesn't happen untill level 6
These pros and cons still exist but not as much anymore. Her damage was lowered due to the change of her ultimate. The difference is her ability to teamfight much more effectively as her ult gains damage the more people you hit with your ultimate. The most devastating combination is Yasuo / Diana as her pull will proc yasuos ult and as his ult lands so will dianas.
- She is a great assassin
- Great burst damage with her Q and Ult / This is also a great gap closer
- She can be a great initiator
- She can catch people out of position
- Give sight of people with her Q
- She can be a mage tank if need be
- Building full force offensive leaves her vulnerable
- Doesn't have an escape mechanic. (Flash is her only escape mechanic in a team fight)
- Some jungler ganks can be devastating as diana as she is kinda weak in the beginning
- Her true burstyness doesn't happen untill level 6
These pros and cons still exist but not as much anymore. Her damage was lowered due to the change of her ultimate. The difference is her ability to teamfight much more effectively as her ult gains damage the more people you hit with your ultimate. The most devastating combination is Yasuo / Diana as her pull will proc yasuos ult and as his ult lands so will dianas.
Here are different rune set-ups you can run, depending on the enemy team composition.
Domination - If the enemy comp is lots of squishy with only 1 tank and/or a bruiser. Good for quickly picking off high priority targets. This will also help even if they have a support with heavy CC. (Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball collector and relentless hunter)
Precision - For added attack speed and damage. (Alacrity and coup de grace)
Situational Runes
Precision - Run these runes if the enemy team has 2 or more tanks/bruisers (or a combo of both) and supports that give shielding, healing or both. (Conqueror, Triumph, Alacrity and Coup De Grace)
Domination - For added movement speed for better ganks and some scalling with eyeball collector. (Eyeball Collector and Relentless Hunter).
The Secondary Runes can all be switched out for
Resolve or
Inspiration if you feel it is needed Vsing specific enemy team comps and you feel those secondary runes are more valueable at the current time.


Situational Runes


The Secondary Runes can all be switched out for

Jungling Path

1. Start with your W and start Blue or Red Buff (depending on what side you start on).
- If you started blue go right to gromp and follow step 2 and skip 3 as this will
be before red
2. Head to your red or blue (depending on what side you start on).
3. Go To Gromp (this will make you level 3. (I have done different camps and none of any other rotation make you level 3. This seems to be the only combination of 2 buffs and 1 camp that makes you level 3 the fastest)
4. Go to wolves or raptors (depending on what side you started on)
5. Kill the Scuttle crab (Top or bot depending on what side you are on)
6. After taking the scuttle decide if you wanna gank early or continue your jungle rotation. Since the changes to diana you can gank earlier and possibly get summoners in a lane since her dash is now on her E.
Mid Game to End Game Item Build As Jungle Diana.
These items can be swapped / replaced to fit your play-style as jungle
Rylai's Crystal Scepter - This item is great for sustain gives you Hp, Ap and a slow. This item works great especially if the enemy team has anyone that does true damage. If not it is a great item you can tank with as diana as she won't die immediately when she enters the fight.
Nashor's Tooth - Attack speed, Ap, CDR and adds 15% of your ap to each attack. This item is nice because it allows you to get to your cleave faster adds 15% of your ap on every attack. Stack this with your
Moonsilver Blade and
Lich Bane and you have a very high burst damage on someone squishy.
Lich Bane - This is a very essential item on
Diana the burst you put out as
Diana with this item is very large any squishy target will die if you hit them with your Q, R and auto attack. If they do live they will be extremely low and another auto-attack will kill them. Do Not build this first under any circumstance. You want the sustainability first and some AP before building this.
Rabadon's Deathcap - This item as all Ap casters know is extremely good on Ap units especially
Diana. This is a must on
Diana with or without
Lich Bane. The amount of Ap you get from this item is huge. With this your burst damage is pretty high.
These are other offensive items you can build as
Diana depending on how their team is building.
Riftmaker - This item is when VSing a tanky team, Constant true damage once fully stacked. The AP, HP Ability haste and Omnivamp make it a good choice when VSing much more beefier teams. This will be mostly used to try to do a FRONT to BACK type of fight as you give up a little bit of burst for more sustain fighting. I enjoy this item cause it fits my playstyle of how I play diana but everyone is different so pick and chose how you wish to play Diana.
Zhonya's Hourglass - If you are running Rocketbelt or any of these items and you want to dive the backline you are most definitely going to need this. The stasis from this is long enough after casting your ult to get your ult to land without dying. Cause the moment you dive the backline everyone is going to be focused on you and this is going to be needed to get your ult off.
Hextech Rocketbelt - This item is very great when VSing a team that has mostly squishies on the enemy team. AP, Health, Magic Pen and ability haste plus a castable dash to close in on enemies to do your E+R combo. This is another good all-around item for diana when looking to dive the backline to get your primary targets.
Luden's Tempest - Build this if you want to have some poke damage from a distance if there is alot of poke on the enemy team. You can use the proc affect to close the gap on someone if they are a little bit out of range. You can also use Rocketbelt if you want a healthier build.
Void Staff - If the enemy is really stacking Magic resist buy this item. Since the re-work of how stats work this is a really great item for people stacking magic resist. For those who do not know the re-work does Percentile based then flat based.
Say someone had 200 Magic resist and you had 40% magic pen (percentile) and 25 (flat magic pen) the equation goes like this now.
200 x .40 = 80 (This is how much Magic resist the opponent loses off that percentile)
Now your flats
120-25 = 95 (This is his total magic resist to you with your 40% magic pen and your 25 magic pen flats)

These are other offensive items you can build as

Say someone had 200 Magic resist and you had 40% magic pen (percentile) and 25 (flat magic pen) the equation goes like this now.
200 x .40 = 80 (This is how much Magic resist the opponent loses off that percentile)
Now your flats
120-25 = 95 (This is his total magic resist to you with your 40% magic pen and your 25 magic pen flats)
Defensive Items You Can Build As Jungle Diana.
You can build
Diana as a mage tank if your team doesn't really have a tank on the team. If I have to go tank with
Diana I try to do it as an Ap tank.
Warmog's Armor - As the Hp it gives is extremely high it comes with a-lot of sustain. This item gives
Diana quite of bit of sustain you can take a-lot of hits with this before having to back out.
Abyssal Mask - Gives you Ap, Magic resist and a aura that decreases your enemies magic resist. This is a nice item to have on
Diana if you are building her as a tank or even an off-tank.
Wit's End - This is a nice offensive and defensive item on
Diana if you are the tank on the team. It gives attack speed, magic resist and procs that do extra magic damage on hit and increases your magic resist as well. The attack speed is nice because it gets you to your passive faster also your passive also procs the extra magic damage to anyone it hits. The added magic resist is also nice especially if you are facing a heavy Ap team.
Guardian Angel - Armor, magic resist and a passive that revives you when you die. This is all around a great item when running a more defensive build as
Iceborn Gauntlet - This item is nice, I actually started using this in place of lichbane for more armor, mana, a AoE slow and CDR. I stack this with my rylais and this makes people walk so slow. Once you go onto them they are not getting away from you. Unless you get cc'd under the sun or they use a inbread jump/flash and then use flash to get away from you. I find this item actually quiet nice on diana because she is a melee unit the effect last longer and because she can use abilities often and has a gap closer it is extremely effective on people who try to get away from you.

Champions Jungling A-H (Chances of Invading you)

Champions Jungling I-P (Chances of Invading you)

Champions jungling Q-Z (Chances of Invading you)

Alright guys I hope you guys got a-lot from this guide. I hope it was helpful feedback is greatly appreciated and I will be updating this guide daily to add in any points or more information that would be beneficial to readers.
Thank You ^_^.
Thank You ^_^.
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