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Where is the point where you shouls start building situational items? I notice that I am good in the early game with Serrated Dirk, but fall behind later, likely because I buy the wrong items and have no idea what to actually buiy and when.
But I must admit that I have distanced myself from your items, Eclipse for example has lead to no success for me, I prefer Yoummu's Ghostblade, espically when playing Support Eclipse is just useless IMO.
But your Tank build is very nice.
I prefer to choose my items for enemy laner and jungle. When I take precautions against these, I can complete my build for the game in general.
The basic elements in creating your builds are;
- Take more Lethality and HP for Punishing enemy Tanks and HP stackers.
- Must take Serylda if enemy has many Mobile Champions or Tanks.
- Must take Sterak when enemy has 2 or more Assassins.
- Must take Malmortius when enemy has 2 or more AP.
- Must take Executioner when enemy has lots of Healing/Vamp.
- Take GA if you want to stay alive longer in Team Fights.
- It is preferable to choose other items.
What items are in general replaceable and what have to be build always/most of the time?
I really like ur Pantheon guide. I made an Pantheon guide too as well.
I have a question. Could you copy to me the ABILITIES code? I really love how did you do it.
Grab the like <3
Here is my Pantheon guide if you wanna see it: