Build Guide by Kluckadell
BECOME CHALLENGER IN 13.1β | #1 Yuumi Guide To Victory / Kluckadell RANK 1 YUUMI
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And there is sadly no other runes to go so mana flow is the best
Anyways I just wanted to ask what you think about the last two waves of Yuumi nerfs and if you think it actually changes Yuumi's meta. There's already a new guide for 12.16 opting for Luden's to maximize poke but that just doesn't sit right with me considering it's cost and how huge of a power spike moonstone gives.
Anyways I just wanted to ask what you think about the last two waves of Yuumi nerfs and if you think it actually changes Yuumi's meta. There's already a new guide for 12.16 opting for Luden's to maximize poke but that just doesn't sit right with me considering it's cost and how huge of a power spike moonstone gives.
Im so happy to hear that you have found my guide useful, the nerfs on yuumi does matter yes. But in my eyes yuumi will always be more impactful by outhealing. Damage on this champ is way too flip. I would suggest you stick with healing and just improve on healing / shielding more. Dmg is never the answer
Anyways I just wanted to ask what you think about the last two waves of Yuumi nerfs and if you think it actually changes Yuumi's meta. There's already a new guide for 12.16 opting for Luden's to maximize poke but that just doesn't sit right with me considering it's cost and how huge of a power spike moonstone gives.
I think healing will always be the meta for yuumi based on how she works right now, ludens is not good really flip maybe in pro play it could be good but in soloq i think you can get out more healing than damage if you play her good, so my mindset is that I can carry 1v9 by just outhealing still even tho is nerfed really hard.
Shouldn't you pick Summoner Spell Heal instead of Exhaust/Ignite since it also scales of bonus Heal and such or is it just not worth it?
isn't having almost instant root against assassin good?