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Tryndamere Build Guide by Apotheosis

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Updated on November 24, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Apotheosis Build Guide By Apotheosis 2284 389 8,352,932 Views 1,874 Comments
2284 389 8,352,932 Views 1,874 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Apotheosis Tryndamere Build Guide By Apotheosis Updated on November 24, 2013
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Keltocdragon | January 7, 2013 7:47am
Dark have you play tested crit chance runes on Tryndamere?? Serously try it it's simply op compared to ad flats, or ats flats. Especially on Tryndamere criting is his bread and butter, doing that early game will allow Insane snowballing early on compared to ad or ats.
DarkPercy (151) | December 31, 2012 8:35am
Well, there's that you will get SLIGHTLY reduced cooldown on E with crit chance marks. SLIGHTLY increased damage on Spin with AD Marks. SLIGHTLY increased movement speed with Attack Speed Marks (animations are shorter).

But that doesn't really matter...
Apotheosis (141) | December 30, 2012 4:52pm
That's not quite what I meant at all. There's more to figure than simple raw damage calculations and calculations with armor fixed in to figure dps for the physical rune types. I'm going to work on this and pm you when I've finished.
DarkPercy (151) | December 29, 2012 10:29pm's actually fairly simple to calculate chance when searching for DPS:

100 AD
200%crit damage

100 x (1+0.5) = 150 Average damage.

As you said, you'd rather have more chance to crit then doing more damage overall. Okay I guess lol. Well I think there's nothing more to be said. At least now you know that other runes give you more damage.

However you might wanna know that attacking more often also means you have more chance to crit :P
Apotheosis (141) | December 29, 2012 3:29pm
Well here's the thing, all of those calculations are relatively close in number. It's hard to calculate chance because you never know when that difference in chance will come. What I'm trying to say is that I'd prefer a greater chance to deal more damage than to do a relatively close amount of damage using different marks on base attacks.
DarkPercy (151) | December 29, 2012 9:21am
lol o_o.
Apotheosis (141) | December 28, 2012 8:24pm
I'm a bit inebriated atm. Allow me to calculate in the pm tomorrow.
DarkPercy (151) | December 28, 2012 9:49am
I could try Armor penetration for level 1 as well...

DPS with AD marks at level 1 taking after armor:

Against 0 Armor: 69.56 Average Damage per second, 101.04 average damage per autoattack
Against 25 Armor: 58.45 Average damage per second, 84.91 average damage per autoattack
Against 50 Armor: 48.31 Average damage per second, 70.17 average damage per autoattack

DPS With Armor Penetration Marks after Armor:

Against 0 Armor: 61.40 Average DPS, 89.19 Average damage per autoattack
Against 25 Armor: 57.13 DPS, 82.98 Damage per auto
Against 50 Armor: 48.35 DPS, 67.32 Damage per auto

DPS With Crit Chance Marks after Armor:

Against 0 Armor: 65.49 DPS, 95.12 Damage per auto
Against 25 Armor: 55.03 DPS, 79.93 Damage per auto
Against 50 Armor: 45.48 DPS, 66.06 Damage per auto

Lol, Armor Pen is better than Crit Chance during all stages of the game xD.
DarkPercy (151) | December 28, 2012 8:20am
Alright, level 1 Tryndamere with Q and full rage bar has (taking in account abilities, your masteries and your runes):

35%-43.37% crit chance (without or with Crit chance Marks)
110% crit bonus damage
64.4-72.95 AD (without-with AD Marks)
0.688436 or 0.786968 Final attack speed (Without or with AS Marks)

DPS with AD Marks:
69.56 Average Damage per second before Armor.
Average Damage per autoattack (for harassing): 101.04

DPS with AS Marks:
70.19 Average Damage per second before Armor.
Average damage per autoattack (for harassing): 89.19

DPS with Crit Chance Marks:
65.49 Average Damage per second before Armor.
Average Damage per autoattack (for harassing): 95.12

For level 9 with maxed Q, Wriggle's Lantern and a Zeal:

AD (full HP): 130.78 to 139.326
Crit Chance: 45% to 53.37%
Crit Bonus Damage: Still 110%
AS: 0.953764 or 1.052296

DPS with AD Marks:
198.66 Average Damage per second

DPS With AS Marks:
205.74081 Average Damage per second

DPS with Crit Chance Marks:
197.96 Average Damage per second lol

At level 18 with full build let's say:

Berserker's Greaves
Infinity Edge
Phantom Dancer
Last Whisper
Guardian Angel

AD: 370.6 or 379.15 AD
Crit Chance: 90% or 98.37%
Crit bonus Damage: 160%
AS: 1.585528 or 1.68406 (Taking in account the Frenzy Mastery this time)
Armor Penetration: 40.2% + 6 or 40.2% + 17.52 (35% + 8% does not equal 43% Armor Pen)

DPS With AD Marks:
1466.81 Average Damage Per second before Armor

DPS With AS Marks:
1522.89 Average Damage Per second before Armor

DPS With Crit Chance Marks:
1512.43 Average Damage per second before Armor

DPS With Armor Penetration Marks:
1434.95 Average Damage per second BEFORE ARMOR

DPS With Crit Chance Marks Considering enemy Armor:

Against 100 Armor: 983.37 Average DPS
Against 150 Armor: 823.32 Average DPS
Against 200 Armor: 708.07 Average DPS

DPS With AS Marks considering enemy Armor:

Against 100 Armor: 998.74 Average DPS
Against 150 Armor: 827.89 Average DPS
Against 200 Armor: 709.63 Average DPS

DPS With Armor Penetration Marks considering enemy Armor:

Against 100 Armor: 1008.54 Average DPS
Against 150 Armor: 833.40 Average DPS
Against 200 Armor: 710.09 Average DPS

It seems They are all very close late game. AS Marks are clearly the best for jungling and AD Marks are better for early game laning. If you're looking for late game damage, go For Armor Pen or AS... or crit chance as your 3rd best choice.

I think that's all.
DarkPercy (151) | December 27, 2012 7:54pm
I'd like to see your maths sure :P. When I'll have the time (tomorrow surely) I will do them as well.

Let's assume we have full rage bar already (35% crit chance) and compare the damage increase of crit chance marks to the damage increase of AS/AD/ArPen Marks. I'll do it for level 1, level 9 and lvl 18. If crit chance marks come out to be the best then I'll bow ^_^
Apotheosis (141) | December 27, 2012 4:14pm
@ DarkPercey:

Bud, I can do the math for you as I have done in the past to prove their worth early game compared to the other possibilities. I didn't put them in the list without reason. I mentioned CrD because that's what your damage becomes when you crit and AD runes don't increase the chance to deal CrD.
DarkPercy (151) | December 27, 2012 1:10pm
Apotheosis wrote:

@ DarkPercy:

Since CrD clearly delivers more damage, Tryndamere is the one champion where CrC marks are an exception. I say this only because of his passive. AD and AS marks won't deliver the same potential and won't scale as well with Tryndamere because they're very minimal, as most runes are.

Simply put, no lol. Just do that maths. I don't know why you're talking about critical damage ._ . No one mentioned it lol.

If you're in lane, AD Marks will make you more powerful early game so you can get fed and win the game.

If you're aiming for late game damage, Armor Pen marks will give you deal much more damage late game than anything else.

If you're jungling, Attack Speed marks will make your rage bar go up much quicker than Crit Chance marks.

And in lane, just last hit a few creeps and your rage bar will be full, regardless of your AD/AS/CritChance/ArmorPen/CritDamage.

Crit chance marks simply never are the best choice...
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