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Lee Sin Build Guide by mornphoisticratic

lee see the annihilater

lee see the annihilater

Updated on August 15, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mornphoisticratic Build Guide By mornphoisticratic 25,857 Views 13 Comments
25,857 Views 13 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mornphoisticratic Lee Sin Build Guide By mornphoisticratic Updated on August 15, 2011
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Jermatoo (1) | April 3, 2011 8:43am
No offense to the guide maker but just posting the item build doesn't really do much for the person wanting to actually play Lee Sin. It just says here's the stuff now go learn everything else on your own, not how these are supposed to work. It's supposed to be where you actually explain why you build him this way. Not only that but you don't even bother to clean up and use proper grammar. Anywho this gets a thumbs down til it gets cleaned up, also you should try using some other items because these builds are both extremely common.
GulderBonePL | April 3, 2011 4:52am
0 info....
mornphoisticratic | April 2, 2011 3:27pm
Aleman wrote:

I really find this guide to fail where its needed. As lee you need to put out alot of damage to stay alive and if you do that well enough then you can go without life steal.

well this is build that tends to work for me and thought maybe some others could try and also my friend helped e think of some items too so some of it isn't all my ideas.
Slizer002 (27) | April 2, 2011 11:49am
Spirit Visage is pretty much a waste tbh. You don't do anything which "Regenerates" health so the passive is pretty much wasted from what I know of.

I might be wrong tho ;)
Aleman (1) | April 2, 2011 11:18am
I really find this guide to fail where its needed. As lee you need to put out alot of damage to stay alive and if you do that well enough then you can go without life steal.
Die (1) | April 2, 2011 11:13am
This works, hes fail the way the spotlight builds him
awwsmm (28) | April 2, 2011 8:01am
Aright let me tell you why the items make since, for one lee sin is way to squishy if you stack him with bloodthirster and phantom dancer early. What is the point of getting normal attack items when in team fights you will be completly useless and get ripped apart. All of these items help him gain tons of durability, cooldown reduction life, steal, armor penetration, basic attack essentials, and increased lifesteal (spirit visage). Trinity force, this is the problem I have with this item on lee sin. Sure you get it on some of your abilities but honestly it is expensive and with no cooldown reduction it is a piece of ****. Additionally sheen is only good for the passive, which can only help you how much; an extra 100 damage? I mean sure that can be the difference in killing somebody but in late game no one is gonna care. Spirit Visage is awsome, it give increased health regeneration (including lifesteal I do belive) and works for his ability Iron Will, it gives cooldown reduction, and more durability stats, what is not to love? Last whisper gives armor pen and AD, and the last two are for hitting hard. Wriggles is your life steal, bloodthrister would eliminate crit strike, this build is not perfect but still works. ONE last thing builds should not be troll voted for no description, they are not ment to have it they are ment to give people suggestions on how to build it.
hodginsx924 (7) | April 2, 2011 12:11am
This is a joke right?
No info, and the items make no sense. You should be getting trinity before anything else other then shoes. And the Safegaurd shoudlnt be a priority over tempest. Trust me I didnt' write a guide on him yet, finishing up my games so i can show proof first of my records. Never the less you might want to try going in this order.
Step 1: QEQWQR
Step 2: EQEQRE
Step 3: WEWRWW

Blood Thirster and Phantom Dancer should be priority also. Bonus life steal and damage, and AS!
BloodyBarron (11) | April 1, 2011 6:04pm
mornphoisticratic | April 1, 2011 3:33pm
sorry about no info i'm the kind of guy who ain't good at making info just the build
BloodyBarron (11) | April 1, 2011 3:32pm
DDJD wrote:

No info

item build ******
DDJD | April 1, 2011 3:27pm
No info
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