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Your utility mastery tree.
You take 3 points in Perseverance rather than 3 points in Good Hands.
Let's do some quick math with Perseverance.
Perseverance (Rank 3/3): Increases your total health and mana regeneration by 4%.
This means that if you have 100 HP/5, you're receiving an extra 4 HP/5, for a grand total of 104 HP/5.
Lee Sin has 6.25 base HP/5, and gains an extra 0.7 each level, with a total of 8.7 at level 18.
6.25 * 0.04 = 0.25
6.25 + 0.25 = 6.5
By taking THREE points in Perseverance, you have the same exact Health Regeneration at level 1 (it rounds down if I remember correctly).
Let's look at level 18:
8.7 * 0.04 = 0.348
8.7 + 0.348 = 9.048.
So, by taking THREE points in Perseverance, you get an extra ONE HP/5 at level 18.
Let's look at Good Hands.
With three points in Good Hands, you lose 10% of your time spent dead.
At the earliest point in the game, death timers are roughly 20 seconds.
20 * 0.1 = 2
20 - 2 = 18.
So, it's not a lot, but it's more than 1 HP/5 at level 18.
At the latest point in the game, death timers are roughly 90 seconds.
90 * 0.1 = 9
90 - 9 = 81.
In conclusion:
While neither Good Hands nor Perseverance gives a large bonus, Good Hands is clearly the better mastery, shaving 2-9 seconds off your death timer - whereas Perseverance needs all three points just to give you one extra Health Regeneration at level 18.
i trio'd it at 16 just now, with no problems.
I've used this build previously without any problems at all, doing PERFECT actually, with a Cho'gath team mate on skype in the top lane, but I need to know if dragon still works out at lvl 6 xd
0 deaths, 8 kills, same for malzahar. Would slow them and then kick them into his ult XD
They surrendered at 20