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Olaf Build Guide by Rapids

Olaf - OH MY HEALTH! (Lane)

Olaf - OH MY HEALTH! (Lane)

Updated on April 26, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rapids Build Guide By Rapids 23 6 66,493 Views 50 Comments
23 6 66,493 Views 50 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rapids Olaf Build Guide By Rapids Updated on April 26, 2011
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Wavuan (2) | July 26, 2011 9:54am
My olaf.... 5555 Health, with atma's its like 55.(Smething) added damage
Shrillex (39) | July 22, 2011 2:24pm
Great build +1
Rapids (5) | April 29, 2011 11:45am
You end up with 200+ Damage with loads of hp, armor, and Magic resist. It all works out good :) Thanks :D

Yea ill have more scores up soon. Just got back settled in from tornadoes and stuff around my area. :P
sir bebis (27) | April 29, 2011 1:38am
oh your health!! but not your dmg... anyways i will try it ;) good work! +1 from me :)
ferenc10 | April 28, 2011 7:47pm
good job whit olaf
Rapids (5) | April 21, 2011 2:16pm
Thank you :)
XcluSiv | April 18, 2011 7:16am
Voted +1
nice build.
Rapids (5) | April 15, 2011 4:36pm
Well i have been playing with this new build of OT and i still do hella damage while being able to tank them. It's really good.
DivineIntervention | April 14, 2011 1:37am

You realize, of course, that with less than 150 armor and under 70 magic resist, Warmog's Armor is nearly useless in terms of effective health? In order for Warmog's to become any more cost effective than the armor or magic resist items in the game, you need at least 200 in both stats. Without it, your health drops extremely quickly. Armor and magic resist also indirectly make his ultimate much stronger.

Although flat health may improve your Vicious Strikes, it's not enough to keep you alive in a fight. Banshee's Veil is very important, not limited for only when they have 3 champs on their team that do CC. Your "optional items" include items that need to be in your main build. Warmog's stacking is a terrible idea on almost every champion in the game. He really only needs one to function effectively, and before then, you HAVE to prioritize armor/MR.

You clearly don't know Olaf mate.
Vicious strike gain from HP, making Warmogs a great 2nd or 3rd item for Olaf, where afterwards he'll build a Atma's Impaler which will give him around 60-80 AD. Olaf is not a tank, he is a tough DPS champion who will mock your CC while he strikes.

However you are right about the efficiency of Armor and Magic Ressistance, but that is counted for tanks and not tough DPS. With Atma's impaler and wiggles Olaf will have something around 160 armor together with his allready 50-90 MR (depending on runes and masteries)

But make no mistake, Olaf isn't a tank, if anything he can be considered an off tank, but he is still a tough dps.
tscurvy | April 11, 2011 3:42pm
Voted +1
Iv tried this it works really good
Rapids (5) | April 10, 2011 12:18pm
Thanks! It should be soon im making some changes and adding stuff soon. Just been having family problems lately and it's been hard. Add me on LoL :)
princessmisery (12) | April 10, 2011 12:06pm
Voted +1
I think it's a great build, thanks for sharing it! This should be up higher on the list of Olaf builds. :)
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Olaf - OH MY HEALTH! (Lane)

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