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Lee Sin Build Guide by Mr_Sully

A Jungle Full of Sin [Vid in Link]

A Jungle Full of Sin [Vid in Link]

Updated on April 12, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr_Sully Build Guide By Mr_Sully 64 21 423,891 Views 116 Comments
64 21 423,891 Views 116 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr_Sully Lee Sin Build Guide By Mr_Sully Updated on April 12, 2011
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Noja999 | August 5, 2011 6:35am
I suck whit Lee sin but whit this build i ownd the **** out of my enemies
Tryndamere ninja (2) | June 24, 2011 11:52am
All these haters be hating and all these trollers be trolling. No one can deny this is the best lee sin build on the site.
Dan the sex machine | June 10, 2011 2:41pm
This is a VERY nice build only person that seems to build him like I do and a jungling build on top of that very nice

Odymsk (1) | June 5, 2011 4:13am
Is lee sin viable in ranked games? i mean.. i tried to play lee sin in ranked games but i failed. Any tips? :PP
xxCactuar | May 31, 2011 6:58pm
Excellent job, just one criticism if I may.

Your utility mastery tree.
You take 3 points in Perseverance rather than 3 points in Good Hands.
Let's do some quick math with Perseverance.

Perseverance (Rank 3/3): Increases your total health and mana regeneration by 4%.

This means that if you have 100 HP/5, you're receiving an extra 4 HP/5, for a grand total of 104 HP/5.

Lee Sin has 6.25 base HP/5, and gains an extra 0.7 each level, with a total of 8.7 at level 18.

6.25 * 0.04 = 0.25
6.25 + 0.25 = 6.5

By taking THREE points in Perseverance, you have the same exact Health Regeneration at level 1 (it rounds down if I remember correctly).

Let's look at level 18:
8.7 * 0.04 = 0.348
8.7 + 0.348 = 9.048.

So, by taking THREE points in Perseverance, you get an extra ONE HP/5 at level 18.

Let's look at Good Hands.

With three points in Good Hands, you lose 10% of your time spent dead.

At the earliest point in the game, death timers are roughly 20 seconds.
20 * 0.1 = 2
20 - 2 = 18.
So, it's not a lot, but it's more than 1 HP/5 at level 18.

At the latest point in the game, death timers are roughly 90 seconds.
90 * 0.1 = 9
90 - 9 = 81.

In conclusion:
While neither Good Hands nor Perseverance gives a large bonus, Good Hands is clearly the better mastery, shaving 2-9 seconds off your death timer - whereas Perseverance needs all three points just to give you one extra Health Regeneration at level 18.
Super sayin 1 | May 17, 2011 6:47pm
My build is cooler
Afromaster | May 7, 2011 10:53pm
um i tried this and i lose half health at the first wraithes =[
Koldhearted | April 25, 2011 9:37pm
can lee still Duo baron at lvl 15 or is this guide outta date?? His W got nerfed 5% per level :(

i trio'd it at 16 just now, with no problems.
Frizer#1161 (2) | April 21, 2011 12:11pm
With the nerf to Wriggle's lifesteal(passive no longer heals for the 500 damage). Is it still possible to do Dragon at lvl 6?

I've used this build previously without any problems at all, doing PERFECT actually, with a Cho'gath team mate on skype in the top lane, but I need to know if dragon still works out at lvl 6 xd
Lazukin (63) | April 20, 2011 9:25pm
This + Malzahar @ top = amazing ganks.

0 deaths, 8 kills, same for malzahar. Would slow them and then kick them into his ult XD

They surrendered at 20
aljung | April 20, 2011 2:05pm
Lee sin is the first Assassin type of champion I play (usually take Tanks and Casters), but I tend to have problems when the teamfights start. I usually get a kill, but the enemy team seems to immediately switch to me the second I enter the battle. Any tips here?
Ashouren | April 20, 2011 6:31am
Sweet guide ;) Thumbs up!
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