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Miss Fortune Build Guide by DidierDrogba

Miss Fortune - OP guide

Miss Fortune - OP guide

Updated on February 19, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DidierDrogba Build Guide By DidierDrogba 443 65 2,118,557 Views 159 Comments
443 65 2,118,557 Views 159 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DidierDrogba Miss Fortune Build Guide By DidierDrogba Updated on February 19, 2012
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Aileron | May 19, 2012 1:42am
Nice guide, but it needs a rework. Kinda boring to read plain text.
Thorvine | May 17, 2012 3:33pm

Co-op vs AI I know, but still by far the best game I've ever had! (2 of our team left and I pretty much solo'd it!)

As you can see, my PvP skills lack :3

Voted up, awesome guide!
akumawings | April 13, 2012 8:15pm
went 21/1/16 with this build.
Jaffandar | April 12, 2012 1:44am
Great build i did 22/4/16 and second game 15/4/21

definitely +1!!!

keep on building! thanks
EndlessHater | March 31, 2012 4:57am
everything on this build is good but damn that heal for a guide with 1.500.000 views is unforgivable,its makes me wanna vomit seriously .still 4/5 good though
Minkey (78) | March 24, 2012 8:06am
wall of white text has 86%? dafuq..
rashid r blocked | March 22, 2012 3:08am
easy penta with this thing my friend trolololo 32/11/9 first time :) won a ranked game with it :) xD
iRazzko (1) | March 21, 2012 5:16pm
WOW! very and really awesome guide man. I went 12/1/2 with your guide >:D
Dyran1991 | March 15, 2012 12:52am
I skip froze mallet and buy last whisper first then i buy another phanton dancer instead frozen mallet, i think its more viable since, our dmg its very high we kill in 2 seconds we dont need to make they slow! And btw frozen mallet its too expensive and when you are able to get it, team its already doing gank, soo we dont need it! :)
TheHalfDragon | March 6, 2012 7:26pm
This build is awesome. I use it on all my AD Carries haha. It seems to be difficult to get to full build with MF against most Champs. But lately I have had good luck with her using this build.
Angelkingdevil | February 26, 2012 6:54am
Can i ask what champions u got?
just to see if u have karma olaf xin or nidalee cuz i need a build for them but mostly olaf :D Thx And great build.

Username on LoL : Angelkingdevil Add me if u want too
Furea Ju | February 23, 2012 12:00pm
Nice build, carried almost every game my team wasnt bad. carry is not that fun for me but this mf build helps :D
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Miss Fortune - OP guide

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