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Lux Build Guide by shm0

**TOP SECRET** #1 DAMAGE Guide for Lux - Melting Faces 101

**TOP SECRET** #1 DAMAGE Guide for Lux - Melting Faces 101

Updated on August 1, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shm0 Build Guide By shm0 1069 160 4,240,822 Views 399 Comments
1069 160 4,240,822 Views 399 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author shm0 Lux Build Guide By shm0 Updated on August 1, 2012
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ObsidianLazarus | October 30, 2012 6:48am
Too bad this doesn't get updated anymore. This guide is the reason to my success as Lux. I've got my first triple, and quad using this guide.
Spyroooooo | October 14, 2012 11:51am
Hİ , i liked your guide , really nice , worked in and i want to ask something , count you have blue buff , cdr masteries and deathfire grasp , you have your %40 CDR so you will say i will go base lets spark a light with your finales , it deals a lots of damage too , nice ap artio , and when your mates lanes are eing pushed any your opponent is at lane , go and use finales you saved a lane and it willcome in nearly 45 second at level 1 , i play her as my main , i got kassadin when i am lux at 1400+ , ty for nice build :)
TheWonderbolt | October 9, 2012 7:51am
Why du you sell your Rabadons Deathcap last? I thought, this is the Infinity-Edge for AP carries?
Renler2#278607 | October 9, 2012 12:16am
only thing i changed was the boots ionian nice guide =)
thanasis2028 (1) | September 30, 2012 3:04am
lux is my main and i find this quide very good (pretty much what i do every game with her). However i disagree with the summoner spell choice. Since the mana regen buffs on lux she doesnt rly need Clarity, as long as u keep one mana pot on u. Additionally, I never liked tp as a spell, so i started trying her with flash/heal. Heal seems a pretty good choice, as its usually a spell that goes unnoticed by the enemy team (enemy jungler comes, attacks u, u lose hp, he towerdives, heal+q+w...first blood and double buff :D ). Its also good to prevent u from being bursted out by enemy annie/veigar/lb if they flash burst u @ lv6, and rly helpful to save teammates in combination with ur W.
Melinoe | September 24, 2012 2:10pm
I tried your guide when I first started playing Lux.Didn't take me long to actually learn how to insta kill.I usually end up with at least 15 kills,no or up to 3 deaths.The only thing I haven't tried yet is 3 points in attack damage.Don't really understand it but I will try it now and let you know whether it worked for me as well as it did for you and others.
Dapieman2 (1) | September 15, 2012 1:39pm
This is a great build, I love it. If anyone downvotes, please give a long and reasonable explanation because I just don't see much wrong with this guide.
jeanbon | September 12, 2012 1:48pm
agree with this build
devdevil (74) | September 11, 2012 5:28pm
Yaaay, it works! +1 for you ;D
edogfu | September 9, 2012 9:17pm
At 800+ AP LB is pro
DJ Desert | September 7, 2012 2:49pm
Awesome build I play Lux as my main champion and I find this is the best Lux build out there currently.
A true Carry | September 7, 2012 1:52am
My main role is carry but i also am really good in ap/mid..well i used your guide and killing was actually easy and fun...7/0/4 and i had fun cause i new i couldnt die....mejais for someone maybe seem like an extravagant item...what are y?? a pro?? they say...if you know how to play lol mejais is a very good item especially for lux adn le blanc from the beggining giving her boost to take the upper well done from a fellow lol player
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