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Cho'Gath Build Guide by PotatisFarfar

A gentleman's way of playing Cho'Gath

A gentleman's way of playing Cho'Gath

Updated on January 30, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PotatisFarfar Build Guide By PotatisFarfar 768 65 3,107,836 Views 293 Comments
768 65 3,107,836 Views 293 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PotatisFarfar Cho'Gath Build Guide By PotatisFarfar Updated on January 30, 2012
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piztog (1) | June 24, 2012 5:57pm
man UPDATE the build cant stand that stupid builds that are on moba fire now
Swizzbeatz (5) | June 21, 2012 5:55pm
Yeah I sure wish you could update this, EASILY the best cho guide on the site and I wish others could see it, because as the post above me stated, it is no longer posted on the site as #1. +1 for being the only way I can build cho ^^
Emperor_Z | June 1, 2012 11:36am
Could we get an update to this guide? I don't know if there are actually any significant changes to make, but it's fallen off the main page due to its age.
Futendra | May 22, 2012 6:11am
Nice guide!
Might want to check out my builds?
Williamthehalo (1) | May 19, 2012 7:28am
Chogath was my first hero too :)!
VisibleSnow | May 14, 2012 1:54pm
Voted +1

Just tried this in my first normal pvp game as cho'gath, right after buying him. 12/8/19. Very pleased :D I'm new to the game so a score like that is quite good for me!
levinho | May 6, 2012 7:53am
First time Cho with this guide: 10/1/10
thx :D
Double00Riser | May 4, 2012 11:33am
Great build man, I often go without deaths using this build (last game i played i went 13/10/15). Thanks a lot!
jgp1322 | May 4, 2012 11:27am
Also, does anyone have advice for laning against Shyvana, and Lee Sin as solo top? They are the only two characters I ever play against that are able to hang with me up top.
jgp1322 | May 4, 2012 11:27am
I find Cho'gath a very preference based character. The only items I build EVER GAME, are boots 3, and rod of ages. The thing about Cho, is that if you get farmed/fed early, he naturally becomes a tank with his health without building defense gear. With this in mind, when I'm doing well, I rush a rabadons. I'm able to nuke carries down, making a tank unnecisary, the problem with this, is that if you do manage to lose your stacks, rushing ap will hurt you. You have to learn to play cautiosly with this approach ( I know, cautious and carry don't always mix, but that is why he has such great range on his q, you don't have to commit until you land one.)
PrincessLuna | May 3, 2012 8:22am
Awesome build +1

You are a fan of MLP to!
Luna is the best pony
Secretic (2) | May 2, 2012 8:31am
+1 great guide
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