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I mean, hybrid Orianna is epic as a solopusher, and lich bane really tops it off.
Other than that it's pretty much the same. Very nice.
Even tested my own builds
This one is the best and has worked almost everytime
If yyr playing her Use this build!!
25% + 9% + 8.62% = 42.62% cdr...the maximum is 40%
aka 5x celerity glyphs, 2x focus, and 2x free is what your glyphs should be for this build.
1700 health? 1100 mana? How exactly are you auto-attacking and surviving against competent players?
This was a poorly designed build. -1
I disagree with the rageblade as a final item though - I find rylais much more useful. The basic premise, though, malady -> nashors -> deathcap, is awesome.
I imagine people will lambast this build because it isn't the norm, but too much of that goes on in the LoL community. This build is legit.
Main problem - you need to manual dexterity to be able to kite like an ashe while you're using your ball. If an enemy hero closes on you, you'll be clicking to autoattack, clicking to move (animation cancelling your autoattacks), and using your ball with accurate positioning. That's a lot of actions per minute, and I imagine a great many LoL players can't handle high APM, and would be better just building Orianna full AP. :P