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Overall +1 for the effort and time you've put into the guide.
I have a question. Many guides here on mobafire are about AP Karma mid like yours, but what do you think about Karma as support?
Yes funny question, Karma as support :)
Passive - Will be folded into R and become a MP5 aura.
Q - Same, but a mantra charge will knock back enemies as well.
W - Same, but adding an effect to redirect damage from the bonded target (if friendly) to Karma up to a cap.
E - Same.
R - Gain the previous passive on top.
All changes are speculative based on various twitters, news feeds, leak and not final. But it IS known they were planning this rework this holiday season, it didn't happen, and Morello is crossing his fingers for a January release.
I'm hoping this will make her a much more viable support when it gets here, It's been a year and a half of getting laughed at for being Karma support, and being completely hit or miss based on what my team does. Because they don't know Karma and what she is capable of.
Masteries are updated!
This should be THE guide BEFORE the tutorial round..