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Shen General Guide by Elk Arkane

Tanks - Your personal Lifeguard

Tanks - Your personal Lifeguard

Updated on July 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Elk Arkane Build Guide By Elk Arkane 18 2 25,811 Views 22 Comments
18 2 25,811 Views 22 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Elk Arkane Shen Build Guide By Elk Arkane Updated on July 16, 2011
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Protagon | September 23, 2011 9:06am
Voted +1
Voted! I love playing tanks in general. My only complain is that Maokai doesn´t always get the love he needs >D.
Elk Arkane | July 16, 2011 1:24pm
UPDATE: leona added to the list
Zazari | July 4, 2011 9:25am
Voted +1
Been wondering how to tank. Nice having this handy-dandy guide around. Yes, of course I added it to my favorites... =D
Elk Arkane | June 27, 2011 7:04am
thank you :)
grimuletz (14) | June 27, 2011 12:53am
Voted +1
tried it. love the loads of armor and mr you add in the item sequence. that what tanks need, not hp or mreg.. gz and keep up the good work. faved it too
grimuletz (14) | June 27, 2011 12:53am
tried it. love the loads of armor and mr you add in the item sequence. that what tanks need, not hp or mreg.. gz and keep up the good work. faved it too
Elk Arkane | June 26, 2011 1:13am
Just did a little update about the gold/10 items.
PacifistRebel (1) | June 17, 2011 2:12am
Well thanks for backing up your decision. I respect that and if you take the cost it to it, thornmail is definitely more economically. For me its more the passive AS debuff that really puts frozen heart at the top of the tanking order. And the huge CD reduc which is great, when a tank is made by there CC and the more you can use it, the better tank you are.
Anyway great guide and thanks for the response. 1 +
Elk Arkane | June 16, 2011 12:19am
first of all thank you for the vote and I love to see that I am not the only one who actually enjoys tanking. :)

The thing with thornmail is: I acutally dont think of the reflect damage as the major feature. For me, the best part is the 100 armor for 2k gold. It is just soo extremly cost effectiv. You should know that a tank doesn't have a lot of money, since most of the kills and creeps are going to the carrys. This is why you really need to think about what you are buying. Most of the time it's the best to go straight for defense/magic resist. Frozen Heart for example is also a great item, but it also gives you some stuff that you dont necessarily need. I think you will agree if I say that mana is not that important for a tank, at least not in late game. Cooldown is also quite nice, but not as important as more defense is. Now, if you compare the prices of Thornmail and Frozen Heart, you will realise that you actually spend 1k for the same about amount of armor. Don't get me wrong, Forzen Heart is awesome, I just think Thornmail is overall more usefull for a tank, if you want to counter the enemy.
PacifistRebel (1) | June 15, 2011 2:21pm
Voted +1
Godamm dodgy website.
PacifistRebel (1) | June 14, 2011 1:49pm
Nice guide man. Im s straight tank player, because same as you, i always do pre mades and all my boys ( and 2 girls :) ) hate tanking. I however love tanking so no problems. I would like to offer a bit of disscussion though about thornmail. Apart from both rammus and shen, because of taunt, i would almost never get this item on a tank. Any good players are not going to be focussing you hard enough in a teamfight for it to be really worth it. If im tanking, say alistair, for my armour i much prefer both randiums and frozen heart. This cuts the dammage of ad carries significantly to not only you, but my entire team with the attack speed debuff. You have both these items in your list, so big ups, but you seem to place them under thornmail as a tanking item. I would love some disscussion on this.

Anyways good build and good tips : ). 1+

To me, this is one of the best items ingame. It is just a pure anti-AD item, with a lot of armor and brings the enemy to go suicide while attacking you. Best of all this one only costs 2000 gold! Must buy against AD!
PacifistRebel (1) | June 14, 2011 1:49pm
Nice guide man. Im s straight tank player, because same as you, i always do pre mades and all my boys ( and 2 girls :) ) hate tanking. I however love tanking so no problems. I would like to offer a bit of disscussion though about thornmail. Apart from both rammus and shen, because of taunt, i would almost never get this item on a tank. Any good players are not going to be focussing you hard enough in a teamfight for it to be really worth it. If im tanking, say alistair, for my armour i much prefer both randiums and frozen heart. This cuts the dammage of ad carries significantly to not only you, but my entire team with the attack speed debuff. You have both these items in your list, so big ups, but you seem to place them under thornmail as a tanking item. I would love some disscussion on this.

Anyways good build and good tips : ). 1+

To me, this is one of the best items ingame. It is just a pure anti-AD item, with a lot of armor and brings the enemy to go suicide while attacking you. Best of all this one only costs 2000 gold! Must buy against AD!
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