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Twisted Fate Build Guide by Awesome Pwnage1

Awesome Pwnage1's Guide to AP Twisted Fate

Awesome Pwnage1's Guide to AP Twisted Fate

Updated on July 23, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Awesome Pwnage1 Build Guide By Awesome Pwnage1 7,669 Views 13 Comments
7,669 Views 13 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Awesome Pwnage1 Twisted Fate Build Guide By Awesome Pwnage1 Updated on July 23, 2011
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AIVION (3) | August 17, 2011 1:02pm
Awesome Pwnage1 (8) | July 27, 2011 3:28am
Um, yes. You are rather hard to understand, I'll give you that one. About maxing Stacked Deck second, just because it has an AP ratio doesn't mean that it should be maxed first. I don't know if you've played other AP TF's, but the common thing that people do is max Wild Cards which scales off of 65% of your AP and is extremely useful. Also, Pick a Card is not really your main damage spell. I don't really see why you love Red Card so much. The only reason that I actually use it is to get a little AOE slow. Yellow Card does a lot of things better. If you want to put in a sword of the divine, then do so my friend. It's your game, play it how you want to. I'm just explaining my way of playing it. I can't make out your opinion about the items. From what I can actually validate, you want more HP. Well, in the recommended items, I put the Rod of Ages. If you actually read the guide then you would of seen that. There's also a Rylai's in there somewhere. AP TF shouldn't need to be hit anyway. You have a stun, a slow, and a long-ranged nuke. That's just my perspective, but by all means, make yourself at home and play and Attack-Speed based AP, TF. Whatever floats your boat sir.
The_lover_Tankers (3) | July 26, 2011 11:04am
Voted -1
Nice. no Ataack speed for Cast third skill. and the skills Order is not true second skill deals few magic damage but third skill is gie more magic damage, ans ue items is good but u dont have any health u now too esey to kill get like Rod or crystal to give double slow with red card . i know my english bad but u understanded the important thing
Awesome Pwnage1 (8) | July 24, 2011 2:14pm
To answer your comment Jomsen, you have a little under 2000 HP which I have found to be enough to suffice in combination with your summoner spells. It may seem like you're a squishy mess, but just read the alternative items and you should find what you're looking for my friend. :)
Jomsen | July 24, 2011 7:24am
You dont have any hp? You can do one combo and then you need to run cuz you are low health. haha
QuiK NaZz | July 24, 2011 3:49am

Thanks for the feedback QuiK NaZz. Since I did itemize for the DFG, I can see where you're coming from with AP per level runes instead of my mana regen per 5. I like your idea and I'll try it. It may prove to work more than what I use. First things first, I have to actually buy those runes ha ha, but thanks for the feedback man. I'll give it a shot.

Thanks man and once again nice guide. Keep them coming :)
Awesome Pwnage1 (8) | July 23, 2011 7:05am
Thanks for the feedback QuiK NaZz. Since I did itemize for the DFG, I can see where you're coming from with AP per level runes instead of my mana regen per 5. I like your idea and I'll try it. It may prove to work more than what I use. First things first, I have to actually buy those runes ha ha, but thanks for the feedback man. I'll give it a shot.
DreamDream (2) | July 23, 2011 4:55am
Voted -1
Saw DFG, didn't like it. The end.
Schl3IMspuR | July 23, 2011 4:29am
Quite nice and explained guide, but i won't get 2 Rabadon's because it's just a waste of money... Instead i would get some Suviveability.
QuiK NaZz | July 23, 2011 3:30am
Firstly a well thought out and very nicely written guide. But as an AP TF player myself I would have to disagree with the mana per 5 runes as TF can simply use his blue card when he needs to get mana back and as the pick a card move scales with AP, so instead of going for mana per 5 runes, i find it easier to go for ability power per level or flat out ap runes instead.
All of that said i think you got everything wrapped up pretty nicely :)

ps this isnt a criticism its just constructive feedback :)
starwars10 | July 22, 2011 8:39pm
Voted +1
xin is not op (1) | July 22, 2011 8:15pm
Voted +1
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