In my experience, I'm pretty sure that a ton of the junglers are good solo top picks.
Warwick, Udyr, Cho'Gath all fit the job description and are very good at it.
Warwick, Udyr, Cho'Gath all fit the job description and are very good at it.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
characters with strong sustainability are generally recommended if the lane is 1v2.
If it's 1v1 stick someone up there who needs farm, because it's basically a second mid lane.
If it's 1v1 stick someone up there who needs farm, because it's basically a second mid lane.
The absolute best are Corki, Mordekaiser, Nidalee, Udyr, Rumble, and Yorick (idk about now). Might have missed a champion or 2, but generally these guys will outshine anyone else in the solo lane.
Others that solo often are Cho'Gath, Akali, Gragas, Jarvan, Singed, Irelia, Kayle (idk about now), Maokai, and Tristana.
Others that solo often are Cho'Gath, Akali, Gragas, Jarvan, Singed, Irelia, Kayle (idk about now), Maokai, and Tristana.
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