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Evelynn Build Guide by Calfurion

Evelynn - An explanation

Evelynn - An explanation

Updated on August 30, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Calfurion Build Guide By Calfurion 575 70 1,980,450 Views 538 Comments
575 70 1,980,450 Views 538 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Calfurion Evelynn Build Guide By Calfurion Updated on August 30, 2011
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Xiron (112) | February 19, 2012 2:46am
I love the guide... but it's expired!
gibletzor | December 22, 2011 4:13pm
Love this guide and this build. This is how I play Eve almost every game (with situational changes of course) and my worst game was 10/10 IIRC. I've had a 40/2 game and many in the 15-20 kill and 2-5 death range. AP Eve is best Eve!

Only change i usually make is using Ghost/Ignite as spells and getting +5 boots instead of sorcs shoes. I can be everywhere on the map for all kinds of ganks!
Kaos312 | December 14, 2011 12:44pm
very nice build, helped me a lot to understand eve. and what do you think about building that fiendish codex into a morellos evil tome?.

and of course +1
hati hrodvitnisson (5) | November 18, 2011 2:52am
soo...i learnt to use evelynn with this build *__*
the only changes i made are about summoner's spells and boots: i use ignite-flash (i usually lane at the beginning of the game) and changed the boots to boots of mobility in order to cross the map quicker. i hope you will update the build to fit the new masteries ^^

[btw, i use an almost full offense tree, wich garants me a good ap boost in early game]
hide your bacon (3) | November 17, 2011 4:20pm
fizz update?
KonjxD | November 11, 2011 3:03pm
Thank you very much this build is the best every match i play i have 10+ kills with 1 or 2 deaths last i had 22/2/13 +1 tnx again
ReverEND Raidon | November 7, 2011 10:03am
Hodenkrieg wrote:

One question I have, how come in your guide you say...

But then in the build at the top, the first thing you max out is in fact Ravage?

Ditto, please update the skill order! I'd like to know how you build.
alexithmia | November 5, 2011 4:29pm
This is the build that i used when i first got eve. i loved it.. but i noticed that i tended to get focuses a lot, and may people are learning how to counter eves stealth getaway (quite annoying), so i took this base and started to experiment for better survivability,
I found that the golems started off a little weird cause the item choice. so i decided to just start in the lane,(runes make a huge difference early game), and i took a dorans ring for ap and survivability, then i rushed my mejais, and mobility boots.
At this point i'm usually about lvl 7-8, and this is when i start getting focused, so i then go for giants belt then warmongers, great survivability for running and just in general. then i get my sheen and lichbane.
About this time im about lvl 15, so lots of team fights. if i tend to be focused more than others, i will get either: thornmail(vs high ad), or force of nature(vs high ap), or guardian angel(vs varied). if im not getting focused then i will get my needlessly big rod, then my deathcap.
The first game i figured this build out i was able to solo 1v1 a tryndamere, and solo 2v1 xin and shyvana. i also ended up tanking baron while me and a semi geared vayne killed baron at about 37 minutes.
But i wanted to thank you for a great build, especially for learning how to use eve. :D
spawnlike | October 30, 2011 12:24pm
I love your guide, i am using it from when i saw it, it's supper effective, just one thing, i dont like that u took smite, my choice is flash/exhaust instead of that.And after lichbane i go for rabadon's :P . anyway awesome guide, The best!
Excalizorz | October 26, 2011 7:55am
I don't know if purchasing Evelyn without research first was a good idea, but I'll play with Her a bit and see what I can do. I'm kind of new to the game, so hopefully I don't bite the BIG ONE too hard.
Dragon4Athene | October 17, 2011 10:34am
if you say max hatespike first when do you have ravaged maxed first?
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