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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Jachyra

Death Metal: Jachyra91's Guide to Mordekaiser

Death Metal: Jachyra91's Guide to Mordekaiser

Updated on September 17, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jachyra Build Guide By Jachyra 11 2 23,524 Views 22 Comments
11 2 23,524 Views 22 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jachyra Mordekaiser Build Guide By Jachyra Updated on September 17, 2011
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VKZ95 (39) | December 14, 2011 6:50pm
Voted -1
hasn't been updated
Jachyra | September 14, 2011 10:25pm
VKZ95 wrote:

you should repalce sunfire with randuins omen and take the potions and oracle from your core build, it's just not necessary

Randuin's is definitely a quality replacement for Sunfire. I choose Sunfire out of personal preference and elaborate more on this in the Items section. I also outline the three items I consider to be the core build (Sorcerer's Shoes, Force of Nature, and Rylai's Crystal Scepter) - potions and oracle are not among them. I included these in my complete build at the top of the page primarily for beginning players. Obviously someone who has played LoL a decent amount knows the importance of potions / oracles, but a brand new player might not. True, this probably isn't necessary, but I would rather have a guide that is overly thorough than one that overlooks aspects of the game. Thanks for the feedback!
VKZ95 (39) | September 13, 2011 9:06pm
you should repalce sunfire with randuins omen and take the potions and oracle from your core build, it's just not necessary
Jachyra | September 13, 2011 2:32am
VKZ95 wrote:

its funny how 1/3 of your votes are from people who has less than 20 comments and are probably your friends or other accounts and you complain because you got actual feedback from an experienced morde player.

I know two of the people so far who have commented. I like feedback regardless of the opinion; naturally I wanted the feedback of my friends. If my guide wasn't helpful to you, I appolagize. It has always worked for me - I promise I didn't spend the time writing it to purposely do a bad job.
VKZ95 (39) | September 12, 2011 11:16pm
its funny how 1/3 of your votes are from people who has less than 20 comments and are probably your friends or other accounts and you complain because you got actual feedback from an experienced morde player.
TwiztedNature | September 12, 2011 9:59pm
Voted +1
Awesome guide! Helped me a lot with him
Temzilla (211) | September 5, 2011 7:07pm
Jachyra wrote:

Thank you very much for the feeedback - it seems like everyone has comments about the emphasis I put on Force of Nature. I have updated this section of my guide; I hope it provides some clarification on the matter. Again, thank you very much for the feedback.

Also - the one person so far who has voted down this build has been Temzilla. While I do not expect everyone to agree with me, I am going to call you out - if I had my favorite champion listed as Mord and had two builds that haven't reached above a 50% success rating I'd troll other people's guides too.

Thanks for the laughs, but lets get this straight.

I don't down vote guides because i don't like their authors.

I down vote your guide because it's based upon opinion.

Opinion does not make an item choice good, you need to back it up with math/facts and justify that item choice.

I could care less about the guide itself, since i've yet to see an "excellent" item build for this champion. (Mine is situational, but very effective.)

If people want to down vote my guide, they can go right ahead, i'm just trying to show people how i successfully play Mordekaiser.
TrevLinden16 (15) | September 4, 2011 1:09pm
Voted +1
Morde es #1 no matter how you build him. Huehuehue +1
reppinFTC (40) | September 3, 2011 11:34pm
Jachyra | September 3, 2011 9:54pm
Wow - I published this guide about 10 hours ago and it is already in the top 10. I can't deny seeing my guide pop up in the "Similar Builds" section is an awesome feeling. Thank you all very much for reading and voting!
Monkay300 (6) | September 3, 2011 6:44pm
Voted +1
Ye its all cool
leaguesdf (36) | September 3, 2011 6:27pm
Voted +1
Defently +1! Great job!
The build is super awesome. But any1 can make a good build, the imporant thing is guide.

And your guide is awesome!! Super informative, looks awesome, everything is just great! Its clear that you worked hard on this guide, and it shows.
I also loved when u showed how to place the ward to get better vision and see both enrances to the top lane. Some people still dont know this and put it in the brush...

I didnt read all the guide, but the stuff i agreed with, and i can tell that u know what u are talking about.
(also u are mid elo player, so its clear that u understand at least basic stuff about the game. lol u got the same elo as me- I was 1600, then lost some in a row, and now i decided not play anymore ranks for this seasone so i wont lose more and so i will get the gold banner thingy and the jarvan skin lol :D maybe u do that too^^)

Overall amazing build and guide, good job.
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