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Evelynn Build Guide by A Red Feather

Something Wicked This Way Comes - Hybrid Roaming Eve

Something Wicked This Way Comes - Hybrid Roaming Eve

Updated on April 25, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author A Red Feather Build Guide By A Red Feather 418 70 1,934,888 Views 243 Comments
418 70 1,934,888 Views 243 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author A Red Feather Evelynn Build Guide By A Red Feather Updated on April 25, 2012
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orangepenguinhead (1) | November 11, 2019 4:32am
I find E max to be pretty weak. You get 15 damage per rank with a basic cast or 25 damage with an empowered cast. You get a total of 100 damage to your overall burst, assuming you use an empowered E and you're at least level 13. I don't feel like 100 magic damage (which will be mitigated more if you aren't shredding the target's MR with W) is worth paying 4 skill points.

Compare that 100 magic damage to the 400 range, 4s cooldown, 10% MR shred and double charm duration from maxing W. Maxing W also gives you 200 more damage against monsters (not a huge deal but it's a nice bonus).

You can max E second and still perform fine, but I don't feel it adds much kill potential. In most cases, I either heavily overkill my targets or they have enough health and MR that I can't reliably one-shot them without W anyway. The edge cases of needing less than 100 damage to secure a kill don't seem equal to the benefits of the W range, duration, cooldown, and shred.

This is only half-true. You can get the majority of your damage off within 1 second, but you can't get all 4 Qs off plus empowered Lich Bane auto attacks in that period. A longer charm duration means you can get multiple Lich Bane procs off and, more importantly, your team can help you finish off whoever you're focusing on.

In many cases, I'll use W on an enemy frontline/diver who tries to engage on my team so I can CC them once they've committed to fighting. In cases like that, the extra second of charm isn't wasted at all.
TheOchremancer (2) | August 14, 2012 9:49pm
I loved this guide, but it's dead now. :(
silverain | July 25, 2012 12:56am
Out of date, now u must change skills and iteams choise
Nedry | July 24, 2012 9:25am
I really like the guide. I've found a lot of success laning with Eve in bot with this item build and have had some pretty sick wins. I still think it's relevent (the item build/runes/mastieries at least) even after the redo of Evelynn. Very nice.
epikalesths | July 21, 2012 6:26am
Well the new update came out so i guess this guide is useless right now (although it was pretty good) since evelyn has new abilities.In case u make a new guide i would suggest same items but taking hexblade right after trinity force. I would also suggest all mastery points in offence. I m looking forward seeing ur new guide. You really make good ones.
monk3s | July 20, 2012 5:28am
Now, this build isn't recommended becaus the patch mid july change evry thing in evelynn
unpure97 | July 20, 2012 2:40am
Nice build. Has helped me serverly own lots of people
Chainmaster13 | July 17, 2012 8:30pm
Hello, I found this guide very useful, hope it will be updated soon after Evenly's ability changes.
mylaar | July 16, 2012 10:44am
Hi, thanks for the awesome guide, I now play eve so much that I bought the Tango skin xD
will you update the guide with the evelynn rework??
SharpShooterrr | July 14, 2012 11:45am
Evenly, the underpowered champ, they called me op when I followed this guide xD, great guide and thank you (11/3/8 btw)
nattemann | July 13, 2012 8:35am
With Evelynns abilitys re-worked this guide is even better. I have tested it on the public beta and have carried every game. And I also forgot to buy ANY runes to the public beta. I will continue playing after this guide and see if i can make some improvements to the new Evelynn.
Bauldric | July 12, 2012 11:47am
Thank you so much for this build, you made me fall in love with eve. Even when I die ten times in a match I get 18+ kills. Late game I am fantastic. This build delivers!
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