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Tryndamere Humor Guide by Urza

Nine circles of (ELO) hell

Nine circles of (ELO) hell

Updated on November 17, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Urza Build Guide By Urza 49 12 31,374 Views 27 Comments
49 12 31,374 Views 27 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Urza Tryndamere Build Guide By Urza Updated on November 17, 2011
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Elladox | April 19, 2012 8:06am
This actually made my brain hurt when i read it, mainly because i see it way too often =_=. a great depiction of what the lower levels of ranked play is like
coryman | March 26, 2012 7:34pm
Cory approves ;D
Now if only my team believed me when I blamed Shaco for my 2/8 trynd game...
In all fairness, he was 2/11
Narati (1) | February 28, 2012 12:11am
I read this and thought to myself, I wonder if people read this and copied it for lols or if people are actually like this without any required guidance. XD
CCmage | February 27, 2012 10:28pm
Execution | February 25, 2012 5:30pm
Funny, but I still want to ****ing stab you.
LadyAly (1) | February 24, 2012 7:05am
I laughed my *** off. This is so brillant, and sadly true, too.
Just reached lvl 30 and was thinking all will be better now *snicker* Big NOOB Fault.
I feel I was falling in a kindergarden made directly out of hell.

<3 for sure +1
RealmriderX1 (91) | February 6, 2012 4:51am
Gramps Tewks (27) | January 30, 2012 8:08am
Are you a trained psychologist? This is devastatingly accurate.
ELO Hell is like going to preschool at age 20+ XD

Beautiful social commentary!
Werepirelord (65) | January 17, 2012 9:17pm
Fact is, there are such people in LoL.
I guess you forgot the logging on and off and the dancing in the base but i only read till 6.
Anyways, gj.
OldBen (14) | January 5, 2012 7:21am
Lol'd really hard.
Pretty funny and educating... as long as reader can notice irony.

P.S. I'll kill anybody who seriously uses this guide.
P.P.S. Build needs one more Pendant.
ronnie425 (1) | December 21, 2011 2:53pm
I can see, that if somebody doesn't read your conclusion, they might vote it down. I was already misunderstanding this "as a guide for ****ty behaviour". But that was a nice perspective and interpretation you've given us of these kind of situations. And funny too +1
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