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I'll break it down for you in easy to digest bites.
Skilling Order:
-BL is good for sustain in the lane, but you won't need more than 2 points in it until mid game.
-Mocking shout is a good option to put points in but you wont need more than a point in it until mid or even late game.
-Spinning slash is NOT JUST a gap closer it also deals damage (albeit not as much as it used to), especially once you get some real damage built in. It behooves you to put points in SS FIRST especially if you're jungling. It's up to you but my skill order is Q/E/Q/W/E/R then order of importance R>E>W>Q. Weather jungling or laning.
-ArP marks are fine
-Armor Seals are fine
-I'd reccommend suggesting AS Glyphs as an additional option.
-I'd also suggest AS Quints in addition to the others. Simply so you can abuse Tryn's Fury stacking as quickly as possible. Or at least suggest that as an option.
-Other than that I'm fine with your suggestions...Save for "Vigor" Quints. You've got BL for sustain, use your quints to pump out some more offense IMO.
Build: For me this is the biggest issue, I disagree with the order and your itemization. There's no real meat to the build just what every other person THINKS Tryn builds and it's just so ....bad. I'm not attempting to discourage or hurt your preference with this comment. I just think you could have a much stronger less..."nooblike" build. I'm not calling you a noob either, just saying the build is "nooblike" if you get my meaning.
-Starting with Dagger opposed to Boots and 3 HP pots or Cloth Armor and 4-5 HP pots..You're not going to be as durable or as sustainable in the lane. That's a given, if you're taking solo top you've got someone against you who is probably stacking armor and starting Regrowth pendant+HP pot. Your little dagger isn't going to get you anywhere if he/she engages you.
-Rushing Zerker greeves, I'm not opposed to that idea, but take into consideration the fact that the enemy team might have a lot of CC, a lot of auto attackers. Merc treads or Ninja Tabi are always going to be better options in the long run. I'd offer Mercs as your main boots with ninja tabi/zerkers as additional options.
-I strongly oppose rushing a phantom dancer. The MS and AS are great, but you're damage will be nearly non existent especially against armored opponents. At the most I'd get Zeal THEN rush right into IE.
-Why you have a PD and BT before IE is beyond me. You say "we need more CrC and damage to really benefit IE", the REASON IE synergizes so well with Tryn is because of the passive CrC he gets from Fury. If you got a Zeal and then went right into IE you'd have ~75% CrC because with full Fury. That's more than enough for a whole game.
-A second phantom dancer...This is completely uneccissary. At the end of the game IF you had all your items and Fury fully stacked you have over 100% CrC..That's just bad, it's a wasted item slot.
You could easily fit in some durability with your items. Otherwise you're Glass cannon Tryn, which all in all is good. I like 2 shotting enemy teams. But it's ineffecient, there are much better options for HOW to build tryn (past his offensive stuff)and much better orders to choose from.
Over all I like the GUIDE, the BUILD looks like every other Tryn build but with worse itemization and order.
This post is not meant to offend, simply explain why I would prefer someone elses guide to your's. There are a lot of gaps, some of which you answer or at least attempt to; in the guide which is good, but there are better options at your disposal. I'm happy you've gotten a lot of positive feed back thus far, but this build is unrefined. It wouldn't get you through the first 5 minutes of a ranked game if you were solo top. This is a pubstomp build at best. With a little more work though it could be better than it is.
Last Note: Your jungle build has the same weaknesses as your main build. As well Tryn is probably the only champ I'd ever consider not needing to get Wriggles. Yes it has a free ward, but proper warding should make it less useful, his midgame damage dawrfs the Wriggle's proc, so I'd consider building right into brutalizer after boots. Overall it feels or seems your guide hasn't had an update in a patch or 2. I'd work on that ASAP.
Best of luck
What I will change: centered paragraphs and spacing. EDIT: Also taking out some color.