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[Champion Suggestion] Claus, The Bomb Artist

Creator: MadFalc November 9, 2011 9:42am
MadFalc's Forum Avatar
Mar 30th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2011 9:42am | Report
Hi summoners! I've been trying to create a champion to my liking, and hopefully also to your liking!
So what I'd like you to do is read the following. Or at least the abilities cause imho those are most interesting in a Champion Suggestion!
Then post a reply in which you explain any of the thoughts that went through your mind while reading this.
I'd appreciate any tips, comments, ratings or possible changes, how drastic they might seem! Thank you! :D

My thoughts:

I like stealth, bombs and traps! My whole idea is to create a champion that would deal damage while running away or trick his foes into a trap, but is also capable of knowing his opponents' positions and hunting them down.

Claus, the Bomb Artist


Claus has lived in Zaun his whole life, spent all his days creating explosive weapons for friends who used these for criminal activities. Claus never really felt right about this, so he covered this by pretending to be an entertainer, making fireworks and giving small shows. But as this didn't make enough money for him to survive on his own and for him to experiment with making new explosives and equipment, he started stealing ingredients from a famous chemist called Singed. He got caugt in the act and word spread fast, making him untrustworthy in the eyes of even his friends. Now that he couldn't make enough to survive in Zaun and it didn't feel right to stay there with all these people who don't want him there, he left Zaun to discover the rest of Runeterra. He started his journey searching for Bandle City, but as this was very far away and he had no more than his equipment and the chemicals he stole from Singed he became desperate for food. He tried to eat a giant mushroom he found near Bandle City, which exploded in his face! He found out that the mushroom was made by Teemo, by asking the Yordles in the city. This weird explosive mushroom fascinated Claus, he just needed to know how he did it! Combining materials he stole in Bandle City with the chemicals from Singed, he got himself a destructive arsenal of explosives to hopefully be able to join the League of Legends with to have a word with this Teemo.


A human man in his 30's or so. He's wearing a big suit so he wouldn't get hurt/burned from his own bombs, but it doesn't look that thick so his appearance makes him look as vulnerable corresponding to his health total.
A remote control is attached to the inside of his left hand with wires going into his backpack, where he keeps allot of his equipment. With the bombs used in his abilities strapped around his waste, over his chest etc. Since I'm not that good at detailing appearance, especially not in english, I'd say he doesn't look that good as he takes more care of his equipment than of himself.


Melee, Flee, Nuke.

Recommended Items:

Doran's Ring, Sorcerer's Shoes, Rod of Ages, Morello's Evil Tome, Banshee's Veil, Will of the Ancients.

"Right behind ya."
"You better have a plan."
"We have no choice."
"Good idea."
"Only cause I have to."
"Hold on."
"Give it time."
"Save your strength, you won't catch me anyway."
"There's no escape!"
"Did you fall down and go boom?"
"Follow me!"


All on base level 1 - level 18
Attack damage 54 - 106
Health 490 - 1900
Mana 300 - 1200
Movement 320
Armor 16 - 80
Magic Resist 30
Health Regen(per 5) 6,0 - 16,5
Mana Regen(per 5) 7,3 - 18,5


Tracking Device(Passive): Whenever any of Claus' abilities affect an enemy champion in any way, they are revealed for 6 seconds.

Petrol/Patrol Bomb: Passive: Whenever Claus damages an enemy champion, he gains 3,3/6,7/10/13,3/16,7% movement speed for 3 seconds.
Active: Claus sends out an RC car with a lit petrol bomb attached to it to target location. The light coming from the bomb on it reveals anything near the car as it moves to that location. In 3 seconds, or when Q is pressed again, the bomb will explode, spreading fire around it for 2 seconds. Any enemies in the area will take 60/100/140/180/220(+70% of ability power) magic damage over 3 seconds. Staying within the area will reset this time.
[Cost: 60/75/90/105/120 CD:6 Range: 700]

Snare Bomb: Claus creates a Snare Bomb on target location and it will stealth and arm in 2 seconds. It triggers when an enemy steps on it, slowing all enemies near it by 20/25/30/35/40% for 3 seconds. One second after it triggered, the trap explodes, dealing 90/135/180/225/270(+50% of ability power) magic damage to all enemy units nearby. Traps last for 4 minutes.
[Cost: 100 CD: 18/17/16/15/14 Range: 600]

Explosive Trick: Claus explodes, dealing 50/85/120/155/190(+30% of ability power) magic damage to enemies within range and fearing them for 1 second. His movement speed and dodge chance is increased with 10% for 2/4/6/8/10 seconds.
[Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 CD: 18/16/14/12/10 Range: 240]

Pulse Bomb: Claus leaves a Pulse Bomb where he stands, facing target direction. It instantly stealths and lasts for one minute. When you activate this ability while a Pulse Bomb is active, the Bomb will explode, dealing 250/350/450 (+60% of ability power) magic damage and knocks all enemy units near it towards the direction it's facing and reduces their armor and magic resistance by 10/20/30% for 12 seconds. If the bomb isn't activated after one minute, Pulse Bomb's cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds.
[Cost:125 CD: 100/80/60 Range: 350]


11-08-'11: Posted today at (8th of november, 2011) and made my layout to almost the same as the Oz, Blade of Honour thread, cause I found it easy to read. :)Biggest changes later that day: added all names, stats, quotes and recommended items. Also lowered damage from Explosive Trick and increased it's CD. Slightly increased Snare Bomb's cost, Petrol Bomb's CD and decreased the passive to 5 seconds.
11-10-'11: I've changed my Q from a normal petrol bomb to a petrol/patrol bomb, and changed the way it deals damage a little+lowering the damage output. Also, I've added appearance and lore.. Even though I didn't put that much effort into that..
11-11-'11 Drastically changed most flat and % in damage on all abilities. Also changed the E ability from a stealth getaway, to a normal getaway bomb and changed the cooldown idea on the ult as suggested.
taggedjc's Forum Avatar
Sep 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2011 9:16pm | Report
Snare Bomb's damage-increasing effect is exceptionally powerful, even though the Snare Bomb can be avoided by running away from it, since in a teamfight it will be hard to see exactly where the bomb is and the slow makes it more difficult to avoid. Consider Vladimir's Ultimate that increases damage taken by 14% and is sometimes the only reason to include Vladimir at all (due to that huge boost he brings to teamfights with that Ultimate), and the damage on Snare Bomb is high enough compared to the cooldown to make the damage on Hemoplague pale in comparison to Snare Bomb let alone the fact that Snare Bomb gives a higher damage boost.

Explosive Trick feels powerful. Comparing it to Talon's Ultimate (which also does AoE damage and stealths him), the damage is somewhat close (Talon's does more, since it's an ultimate, but not much more; at rank 1 it does 120 + 0.9 AD up to twice to each target, whereas Explosive Trick does 130 + 0.4 AP once at Rank 3). However, Talon's stealth only lasts 2.5 seconds, whereas Claus's lasts for 4 from the get go, 6 at Rank 3, and a whopping 8 at Rank 5. Shaco, also known for his stealthy escapes, only stealths for 3.5 seconds with his Deceive. On top of this, it also fears enemies for 1 second, like a Rank 3 Jack-in-the-Box placed exactly right just before doing Deceive, for free alongside the damage and stealth....
It's a nice idea, but I personally think the fear is unnecessary and the stealth duration could be reduced (or, for a twist, have it lower his movement speed slightly while stealthed, but let him have the longer stealth duration, so he can't quite get as far away as he might like, but enemies will never be sure exactly where he is).

Pulse Bomb is a neat idea, though I wonder if the cooldown/duration are meant to match up like that. At Rank 1, you can create one Pulse Bomb which will last for up to 30 seconds, whereas the cooldown is 100 seconds, so if you don't explode it within those 30 seconds, you've wasted a lot of time. At Rank 2, the duration is 60 seconds with a cooldown of 80 seconds, so it's nearly even with its cooldown time. At Rank 3, the duration is 120 minutes with a cooldown of 60 seconds, so you could theoretically have two bombs at the same time (except, of course, that once you place one, activating the ability again detonates it).

I think it might be smarter if the cooldown began after the bomb is detonated and that the bombs last 1 minute duration by default at all ranks, letting you place one whenever you like as soon as you have at least one Rank; then, have it so that if they aren't detoned within the 1 minute, the ability is put on cooldown for ten seconds. Then, the cooldown is only triggered otherwise (the normal cooldown) once the bomb is detonated.

Just my thoughts. It's a fine idea, and I like the idea of a bomb specialist :)
Rozsud3k's Forum Avatar
Jun 29th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2011 7:43am | Report
Joke should be "Did you fall down and go boom?"


I don't even
mastajdog's Forum Avatar
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Jul 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2011 1:59pm | Report
ult shreds WAY too much armor/mr. trundle's ult steals the same, +hp, but is over time, single target, and has way less features. try halving those values.
Mastajdog, "You shall bow in the presence of the masta."
please +rep if i've been helpful at all, and come check out my guides!
credits to The Nameless Bard and greynadefor the awsome signatures, and me for the others.
MadFalc's Forum Avatar
Mar 30th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2011 9:51am | Report
Wow thanks for all the replies! I've already made quite a few changes on the LoL forum, which I'll post here too after I've made another BIG changes. With these changes I'll take all three of your replies into concideration, by which I mean I'll add the "Did you fall down and go boom?" joke, lower the ult's reductions and .. Well you could read it as soon as I've changed it later today :)

Oh and I'm gonna be changing the Q and E allot, cause Q is just very dull and E has to much in one package.. I'm removing the stealth, even though I'll miss it.. Without even playing this char lol :p
MadFalc's Forum Avatar
Mar 30th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2011 10:00am | Report
oh god cmon! that "Did you fall down and go boom?" joke is from Tristana, I just remembered! xD Jeez! :p
MadFalc's Forum Avatar
Mar 30th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2011 10:39am | Report
There, made quite a few changes.. Including the ones I already made on the LoL forum. I'd like you, taggedjc, to take another look and comment on the changes I've made :D

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