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Shyvana Build Guide by runeblade48

Shyvana On Hit Queen

Shyvana On Hit Queen

Updated on January 3, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author runeblade48 Build Guide By runeblade48 27 13 82,411 Views 68 Comments
27 13 82,411 Views 68 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author runeblade48 Shyvana Build Guide By runeblade48 Updated on January 3, 2012
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Charlie10289 (1) | December 21, 2011 5:31pm
What are you gonna use when doge is gone?
Kazega (75) | December 9, 2011 12:39am
Alright I'll try to make this short and easy:

first off: I asked questions, you answered ONE, and not very well since your facts were off by way too much. you assumed 2 hits per second which led you to your 10 hits in three seconds. you can't use this as a basis since this is a full build Shyvana scenario. you will have to use a lower number to make your math, say 1.2 Attacks per second to get a better gauge on how the build works

Second, You said that Flamebreath into Twin bite was NOT a combo. Combos are how abilities tie together. Flamebreath ties into Twin bite. a good Shyvana player will realize that becasue of Flame breaths Armor debuff, twin bite will hurt that much more. this interaction between abilities is what creates your combos. EVERY champion has them even if they don't appear to.

Finally you are over analyzing the combat portion of my question. I asked "How do you engage" and you said it is very situational. if you can't give me a straight up answer, even a small check list for combat, then you are being WAY too hypothetical and trying to look at every possible scenario. instead step back: what is your checklist for team fights? When a team fight starts what is the first thing you do? don't be nit picky, use a wide brush and paint broad strokes.

I like the concept behind this guide, the knowledge base behind it is very lacking.

PS: Evasion is getting phased out. you might want to look up some other seal options
runeblade48 (6) | December 8, 2011 8:57pm

It's not about whether you're kind enough to share a guide. Don't make this all about you being the victim or anything similair. You're suddenly changing the reason why we were complaining.

We thank you for taking the time for making a guide.

But you did it with no care, no consideration and no preparing acts. You just don't know what you're talking about.. and honestly, nobody cares if people call you the best Shyvana player they know.

I have plenty of people telling me that too. But we don't know the same persons in this game. And I bet you a 100 bucks that if I played with your friends they would tell me the same. Or if you played with my friends that some of them would tell you the same.

It's ****ing ********.

Stop turning around the actual point of this conversation and start answering your questions directly and without re-route.

It is attacking the guide if you are making complaints that I don't explain every summoner or I don't have every particular thing that you (not you as you but you as the person complaining) would want. Especially when you consider yourself adept enough to have your own guide. It is attacking the guide, I am sorry. I did answer his question straight forward. I said why I don't like trinity.

I also stand by my statement that based on how Shyvana is she doesn't always initiate the same way. Yes using your ulti to initiate is great especially if you activate burnout first, but as a shy player I am sure you also know that the "push" her ulti does could throw off your team especially if you have any aoe ultis. Pushing people away from tanks or into carries etc could really mess up a team fight. Whether your target is a melee carry or ranged might effect how you want to use your skills. That push effect is very versatile and you must treat it as such.
| December 6, 2011 4:35am
It's not about whether you're kind enough to share a guide. Don't make this all about you being the victim or anything similair. You're suddenly changing the reason why we were complaining.

We thank you for taking the time for making a guide.

But you did it with no care, no consideration and no preparing acts. You just don't know what you're talking about.. and honestly, nobody cares if people call you the best Shyvana player they know.

I have plenty of people telling me that too. But we don't know the same persons in this game. And I bet you a 100 bucks that if I played with your friends they would tell me the same. Or if you played with my friends that some of them would tell you the same.

It's ****ing ********.

Stop turning around the actual point of this conversation and start answering your questions directly and without re-route.
runeblade48 (6) | December 5, 2011 8:38pm

I just downvoted. I reviewed the conversation and I am seriously dissapointed in the fact that you would even consider making a guide about Shyvana, let alone play her.

You need to organize your **** and get your priorities straight, stop trying to experiment and stop trying to still learn the basics about a champion when writing a guide about her. You obviously don't know your ****.

Have your friends downvote my guide, if you want. I don't care, I'm number 2 and perhaps number 3 thanks to you and I'm happy where it is. Atleast I know that I worked on my guide and I know I did a good job because others told me and thanked me in-game (I never had that before) and that's enough to make me smile.

The only experimenting was the masteries after they changed them as I knew all the old masteries enough to know what I wanted on her. I have plenty of people tell me I am the best shyvana they have played with. Anyway if you don't like the build you don't have to use it. That is fine. I know its a good build. Look what happens when you want to share you build with people. Look at these people complaining lol.

To all the people that tried it and liked it I am glad I could help. For those that don't like it feel free to look at other guides.
| December 3, 2011 6:06pm
I just downvoted. I reviewed the conversation and I am seriously dissapointed in the fact that you would even consider making a guide about Shyvana, let alone play her.

You need to organize your **** and get your priorities straight, stop trying to experiment and stop trying to still learn the basics about a champion when writing a guide about her. You obviously don't know your ****.

Have your friends downvote my guide, if you want. I don't care, I'm number 2 and perhaps number 3 thanks to you and I'm happy where it is. Atleast I know that I worked on my guide and I know I did a good job because others told me and thanked me in-game (I never had that before) and that's enough to make me smile.
Kazega (75) | December 3, 2011 5:58pm
I already know you and your friend dv this build but it seems like you have a personal vendetta against it. Its still a good guide. Lots of people have tried it and liked it in the comments. I can see why you have a vendetta against it now. Everyone feel free to check her builds. She has a shyvana guild that is lower ranked than mine. She is just getting her and her friends to cause trouble and dv my guide. That is just low dude.

Whatever makes you sleep at night. I don't have a vendetta against the is guide because my guide is lower ranked. My guide is in the top five and has good visibility anyway. I have a problem with this guide because you don't know your ****, The guide does nothing I showed this to my friend and he said the same thing I did. You never answered my questions I gave you a second chance and you revealed to me that you either don't know how to properly respond to questions, you don't know Shyvana, or more likely both since VexXel has to answer questions for you. Most of your upvotes were from people who have 1 or two posts and I am sure your counter votes are the same. I showed this to my friend to make sure my thoughts were justified and he said the same thing I did when it comes to your response.
| December 3, 2011 12:21pm
VexXel wrote:

your sir are wrong Twin Bite is the best thing read the build title "on hit queen?" dumbass Flame Breath does not apply on hit effects and is not only proces by Twin Bite you sir have not done your correct research

Call me a dumbass? xD

I know that it doesn't apply on-hit effects. But like I said: Twin Bite to apply on ON HIT effect and Flamebreath to deal 20% extra AP nuke damage.

I have done more research than you think, bro.

This applies to both you and Runeblade's reply. However, Runeblade, I do agree that this will deal more damage to turrets and will increase your farm. But leveling Twin Bite over Flamebreath will not increase your basic damage done.
runeblade48 (6) | December 3, 2011 8:25am
Kazega wrote:

and downvoted. I would have jsut let this pass neutral but the guide was such a wreck I decided to challenge it, and rightfully so.

If you are going to write a guide about a champion you should explain details like summoner spells, runes, masteries and items. I asked you questions not only on what I read but also what I didn't read.

9 times out of ten how do you initiate? that is what your guide lines on initiating should be. How does that tenth time differ? Also Burnout first and then Twin bite is a COMBO. You also fail to see the very basics of Shyvana namely that her E is a Debuff skill. Flame breath IS NOT for Last hitting it is for Debuffing targets. You should never last hit with flame breath. Ever.

I don't Misunderstand: You are trying to explain a build and failing miserably I asked you questions and you danced around them and tried to dazzle me with semantics. You also fail to grasp at the basics of Shyvana. A guide is never controling. it explains options and details that might escape the random player that reads it. you leave out so much information that this cannot be called a guide. and if it is it better be sarcastically

BS flame breath can last hit minions in lane when you are being zoned. There is no reason not to do this. There is no 9/10 times I initiate the same way. Its not like Ashe who just arrows. You have to follow your team. You have no safe dash to engage like many ADs do. You don't have immune to CC. You have and ulti where you can jump but it will knock enemies around and could mess up positioning in the fight. Can you not see how this works? Are there carries that are AD that you can wait to attack your squishies and save them with your fm? Are the carries ranged or AP? I mean if this were a wukong guide sure I could Nimbus in and hit them or I could nimbus someone else clone and position and hit who I want and then ulti. Shyvana isn't as straightforward. With this build you can even hit that low health tank which can even be a good idea since you can tear through them rather quickly. (if the cc is owning your AD carry)

No that isn't a combo because burnout should always be on. Its not a skill order concern. You can Q before your burnout if it is on cd. Burnout is on for speed not damage as the damage isn't that much w/o AD. I have a whole section on items and skills. I don't have mysteries because changed and I deleted it and never wrote new ones because I don't know them as well as the old ones. I just changed the page and am trying the new ones out. But I don't only play this champ.

You just are not liking the answers you got. I don't have to explain every item in the game in the guide. Nor do I have to explain every summoner. I did put what I use and why I like to use them.

I explained why I don't like trinity. The proc isnt worth it. I hope you used the math I showed you to explain how with your Q you get 10 hits if you build the recommended build. Thus I find the attack speed + onhit + mr shred that synergies with madreds and wits end and flame breathe to be superior. You don't have to agree. That's why its only a guide. I also dont see a place to build trinity where the cost is worth it. The difference between a phage/trinity slow and a FM slow is big in my experience and with her tankiness the effective HP is huge.

There is not "have to explain" in guides. Lots of guides don't have everything you want to read. Does that mean I go around downvoting them? Nope if just look at other guides.

I am not trying to "teach people to play shyvana". I am trying to show them an alternate way to play her as everyone is basically Trinity builds and crit builds it seems. I wrote it because the LOL forums were full of "shyvana is UP" threads and I was sure it was because people build her wrong.

I already know you and your friend dv this build but it seems like you have a personal vendetta against it. Its still a good guide. Lots of people have tried it and liked it in the comments. I can see why you have a vendetta against it now. Everyone feel free to check her builds. She has a shyvana guild that is lower ranked than mine. She is just getting her and her friends to cause trouble and dv my guide. That is just low dude.
Kazega (75) | December 2, 2011 9:31pm
VexXel wrote:

Kazega timeto challenge your *** to STFU all those are redneck stupid *** midned tiems dont like the build? SUCK A **** <------- pro tip

The Faceless people of the Interent don't scare me, pro response, and reported.

DOn't get me wrong I like the concept behind the build: it just doesn't have any sound reasoning behind it, which came through when I challenged the author on it.
Saint Iggy (4) | December 2, 2011 9:31pm
VexXel wrote:

Kazega timeto challenge your *** to STFU all those are redneck stupid *** midned tiems dont like the build? SUCK A **** <------- pro tip

Apparently some people don't like where they came from. I'm saddened that, this day has come so soon...
Kazega (75) | December 2, 2011 9:30pm
and downvoted. I would have jsut let this pass neutral but the guide was such a wreck I decided to challenge it, and rightfully so.

If you are going to write a guide about a champion you should explain details like summoner spells, runes, masteries and items. I asked you questions not only on what I read but also what I didn't read.

9 times out of ten how do you initiate? that is what your guide lines on initiating should be. How does that tenth time differ? Also Burnout first and then Twin bite is a COMBO. You also fail to see the very basics of Shyvana namely that her E is a Debuff skill. Flame breath IS NOT for Last hitting it is for Debuffing targets. You should never last hit with flame breath. Ever.

I don't Misunderstand: You are trying to explain a build and failing miserably I asked you questions and you danced around them and tried to dazzle me with semantics. You also fail to grasp at the basics of Shyvana. A guide is never controling. it explains options and details that might escape the random player that reads it. you leave out so much information that this cannot be called a guide. and if it is it better be sarcastically
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