^^ Hi all. Based off some advice someone gave me, I'm going to try and focus a little bit more on the League of Legends side of MobaFire instead of... whatever other side I apparently was focusing on (? o.O). Anyway, here are 3 Key Tips & Tricks that will immediately make you a better player.

Tip One: Whenever you recall or have died, and you find yourself in the shop, buy a sight ward or two. This may seem lame to you, especially if you have never bought wards before, or you believe that the jungler or support should only buy wards, but with wards you will find there are many benefits.

[*] Map awareness is the key to preventing successful ganks, tracking the enemy jungler, and keeping strategic objectives (like Baron and Dragon) under lock and key.
[*] If every player brought one ward each time they recalled, and assuming players recalled once every 7 minutes in a 35 minute game, your team would be rewarded map vision for the whole game (assuming your wards aren't taken out by an Oracle's Elixir).
[*] If your team is co-operative in this endeavour, warding "The Belt" will prove highly effective. The Belt is shown below. In addition to standard warding of Baron/Dragon/Buffs, warding as shown below (assuming you are Purple - Top Team, reverse if you are Blue Team) will warn you of all enemy movement from their jungle.

This is where you and your team should sight ward beyond the places show in the above image. Keep in mind, you don't have to ward the whole map - try and spread out your wards so that they cover the most amount of area for the least amount of wards.
  • Yellow: Vital to protect the jungler on your team
  • Blue: For protection depending on which lane you're on
  • Red: To guard Dragon and Baron
  • Orange: In order to Counter-Jungle

Tip Two: Learn to call MIA (Missing in Action). If you notice that Singed has disappeared from top lame, just quickly call "mia top", "mia Singed" or "ss top". Additionally you can Ping the track you believe the champion could be taking (off to Blue Buff, off to mid lane, etc etc). This is beneficial for you in multiple ways:

[*] The other lanes cannot blame you for not calling MIA.
[*] You have warned the other lanes that a gank/Baron/Dragon/Buff may be occuring. This can lead to a stolen Baron/Dragon/Buff or failed gank.
[*] Developing your own map awareness by calling MIA. You'd be surprised at how much your gameplay will improve if you know why your enemy lane has recalled/went MIA. Are they buying items like philosopher's stone? Are they grabbing Double Golems for extra XP? Are they baiting you in some of the lane brush?

Tip Three: Keep your attitude in check. If you are constantly raging at your team or the enemy team, you are already losing the psychological war on the Fields of Justice. By simply keeping your cool, you can improve your gameplay. LoL is not like American Football, and you're not like Adam Sandler's Waterboy - rage is not going to increase your k/d/a or your elo.

[*] Ignore all enemy players at the beginning of the game after wishing them a hearty "glhf!".
[*] Don't let your own team's raging get to you. If they have a problem with you and swear at you, respond calmly and professionally. When someone responds to a "**** you're so bad, so bad, report this ****ing Tristana" with a, "I apologise for my inconsistent gameplay. I will strive to better my 3/4/17 score", the rager either becomes embarrassed at their raging, or continues to rage, in which case you report them and your report becomes the same level of awesome as "Xin, shhh."
[*] If you feel yourself raging, just go to a secluded patch of brush and /d, /t, /j and /l for a little. This always makes me feel better.

I hope you all enjoyed this :) It was fun compiling it. Seriously though, if you didn't learn anything else today besides the importance of warding The Belt, then today was a day well spent. Any suggestions for my next "How to" or "Tips & Tricks"?

- jhoijhoi <3