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Warwick Build Guide by DEWO

Warwick, Jungle King

Warwick, Jungle King

Updated on January 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DEWO Build Guide By DEWO 1448 216 9,641,287 Views 888 Comments
1448 216 9,641,287 Views 888 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DEWO Warwick Build Guide By DEWO Updated on January 6, 2012
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DeviouzGG | November 2, 2012 5:39am
I would like if you update it because jungle ww got really unhelpfully.
Consider playing him top ,cause some teamfights start now sometimes before you hit lvl 6 and so you didn't even had a chance to gank usefully.
Barklor | May 19, 2012 3:33am
I 1st played Warwick with your guide, but i have to admit that i have changed some things. I changed "hextech gunblade" with "guinshoo's rageblade" because life steal is unnecessary due to his passive.
knightmoon76 | May 18, 2012 11:16am
AngryAsian wrote:

I am having problems jungling, you say that you level up when you kill double golems, but I do not, making the wraith hard to kill without hunger strike

did they nerf golem exp or something?

do you have the points in awareness??
knightmoon76 | May 18, 2012 11:09am
for all of you saying this is a bad giude gtfo. madreds blood razor is the most important items after boots. but my problem with the page it is the written guide for masteries says 20/0/10 but the picture says 11/10/9 can you please update this a provide a picture for the runes plz.
MAsterQuest | May 17, 2012 9:24pm
When i go jungle ww, i use this guide.
Is very good but sometimes i need earlyer life items but i think it's one of the best guides here on MOBAfire ;).
the chaos bringer 00 (13) | May 6, 2012 11:59am
very nice, it is very efficient
Dawwelite | May 4, 2012 1:04pm
BaronPuff wrote:

That build is totally wrong. You never want to build hextech gunblade or bloodrazor as your first items unless you are trolling because they are expensive and don't help you in ganks. The same goes for masteries, WW benefits from movement speed so you need 0-21-9 to help you.

What you should do instead is build phage>wit's end>glacial shroud as your first items.

Pls, update your build, it is not the best for Warwick at all.

This guy is completely right. This is an outdated guide and a horrible build. Also lane Warwick is arguably stronger right now than jungle Warwick, so he is wrong about that too.
BaronPuff | May 4, 2012 6:18am
That build is totally wrong. You never want to build hextech gunblade or bloodrazor as your first items unless you are trolling because they are expensive and don't help you in ganks. The same goes for masteries, WW benefits from movement speed so you need 0-21-9 to help you.

What you should do instead is build phage>wit's end>glacial shroud as your first items.

Pls, update your build, it is not the best for Warwick at all.
Patrick Swayze | April 30, 2012 3:36pm
I just registered to comment here :P
Lovely build, and I get good scores with it. I have to disagree on one point though; You're too harsh on the Ghost. I love playing with Ghost on WW, and here's why:
*It's perfect to escape a losing teamfight (too often flash just isnt enough)
*It's perfect for getting in position quickly for a good gank.
*It makes early game jungling a bit quicker.
*It's good enough for ganking, if timed correctly
*Sometimes Blood Scent alone just isn't enough to catch up with a wounded prey.
*Have you ever seen a WW with Blood Scent AND Ghost activated? It's just epic.

Imho, Ghost is way more versatile than Flash, especially on WW.

Edit: That being said: I do realize that Flash makes a stronger gank. But in total, Ghost gives me less deaths, and more kills/assists.
Benjixxx (2) | April 24, 2012 4:28pm
Great guide, thanks :)

Went 19/9/10 on first game, never jungled before xD
AngryAsian | April 12, 2012 5:40pm
I am having problems jungling, you say that you level up when you kill double golems, but I do not, making the wraith hard to kill without hunger strike

did they nerf golem exp or something?
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