Duo queue with TheGrandmasterD


Top: Garen vs Riven
Middle: Xerath vs Cassiopeia
Bottom: Vayne and Sona vs Caitlyn and Soraka
Jungle: Nunu vs Rammus



Last picked Vayne into Caitlyn/Soraka, was confident I could handle the lane and it turned out well. The pick was mainly aimed at dealing with Riven/Rammus as I was expecting them to get fed.

First blood happened mid as Nunu ganked for Xerath, Rammus counterganked the lane. Both Cassiopeia and Rammus ended up dying giving Xerath an early double kill and a very nice advantage in lane.

Bottom lane Sona and me were taking a lot of harass from Caitlyn due to her superior range but it was never really a problem. I managed to stay ahead on farm in the laning phase despite being outranged pretty heavily. Rammus tried to gank several times but it yielded absolutely no results.
The lane was won when Caitlyn went to buy and Soraka showed herself in our brush, all by herself. I picked up an easy kill and snowballed the lane from there.

Top lane, our first pick Garen was getting crushed by Riven who was up 4-0 in the lane and pushing into the second turret. (was to be expected really, picking Garen into Riven with 40 armor and building straight damage and all)

First teamfight happened bottom, near dragon, as Cassiopeia quickly fell to Xerath and we picked up a couple of others. We took the first dragon of the game there and pretty much controlled it for the rest of the game.

We had quickly pushed up to their last tower, winning fight after fight. At the end of the game, I also started dying to all the Thornmails so I ended up selling my boots for another Bloodthirster, which solved the problem. After a lot of clumsy deaths and after even giving up a free Baron (but acing them right after), we managed to finally finish the job as I dove into their base and took out the Nexus.

WIN-LOSS: 80-76